Hello everyone and welcome to another Gaming Sunday. Hope all my fellow Americans enjoy their long weekend. Anyway I have been playing a lot of Fallout 4 on survival difficulty. As usual, my desire to continue the main story dies the moment I enter the Institute, so I have started the DLCs instead
I am on day two of disco elysium which I just started for the first time (no spoilers!). I’m enjoying it enough, I’m guessing it’s such a hit with people here because of the vibe and the ability to be a communist? It definitely has some good writing that hits home or makes me laugh. But as a “game” it hasn’t blown me away. Walking around the same 3 streets and doing dialogue trees and skill checks isn’t the most exciting or engaging gameplay, the fact that the dialogue is good is what is carrying it so far.
But as I said I’m only like halfway through the second day, I assume it’ll open up more. I just uncovered that there’s a deeper mystery to the initial inciting murder. Keen to see where it goes. And I’m definitely not not enjoying it. I’m just waiting for it to blow me away.
But yeh all the existential dread and depression and substance abuse, very cool very vibe.
Things open up a lot on day three after the canal bridge gets repaired. In my play-throughs, I have found that I run out of things to do on day 2. This has lead to me quitting a bunch of times. If you truly run out of ideas of things to do, buy a book and just read it over and over again to pass time. There are a lot more areas to explore and people to talk to on the other side of that bridge. More plot elements also get set into motion.
Sweet, I figured something like that would happen. I found the bridge not long ago
Still on my Cyberpunk thing. Almost 100h, did all the gigs, all that’s left is to finish Phantom Liberty and then finally, after all these weeks, meet Hanako at Embers.
Next up once I’m finished is the Indiana Jones game. Excited for that!
back on my total war bullshit, i can’t play Elder Kings 2 because the ck3 cracks and the EK2 updates don’t line up rn but i can play elder scrolls total war, which has the additional fun of being able to send armies thru iconic morrowind & skyrim city maps. honestly for a sorta unfinished mod it has the best spread of custom maps outside the lord of the rings ones.
Skyrim civil war in the game Skyrim? complete ass. Skyrim civil war where i get to command the double envelopment that skewers ulfric stormcloak?
I Am Your Beast. It’s a little indie single player FPS game where you have to beat levels quickly. It’s almost like a puzzle where you figure out tricks to beat levels faster. It has a neat progression system that forces you to go back and replay levels to get secondary objectives.
I saw dunkey’s video of that. Really reminds me of superhot, but obviously with the time trial element added
Just finished replaying Dragon Age Inquisition, wanted to pick it up again after Veilguard. It’s a lot better than I remember it being but holy fuck is it bloated. I could spend ten hours playing it and accomplish nothing, I’m really glad they went back to smaller hub zones in Veilguard.
Haven’t played for a week, but REMake, so hopefully I can finish soon. Will move on to probably New Vegas with the brand new Trancendence Mod or GTA IV, whichever ticks my fancy.
Today is for solitaire. Only solitaire
Cassette Beasts.
Playing Final Fantasy XI again. Been having fun playing the Wings Era Warrior mode I made a thread about it.
Gonna go a little left field if that’s allowed, I’ve been dipping my toes into solo boardgames and I’ve thoroughly been enjoying Doom Machine. It’s a super neat game that fits in a mint tin, consists of some dice and cards, sets up in minutes and plays in 15-30 minutes.
Video game wise, playing through Golden Sun at the moment. Nothing to add there that hasn’t already been said 10x as eloquently. Amazing game
Working my way through earthbound for the first time after many false starts over the years. I just got to the point where Jeff joins the party.
I’m having a good time overall but the amount of RNG in battles and party members starting at level 1 is really annoying.
Playing through DW Origins, kinda slowly. I love the older DW series, like 3-5, and this new one is a bit of a callback to the past. But its still missing something and its not quite catching my attention as much. I do love that they go way more in depth with the history, though.
Monster Train for a couple hours, then UFO50
i cracked a bit… i was trying to cut games from my life completely but that’s easier said than done for an addict
i played a fair amount of Horizon Forbidden West. Can’t remember the last time I played a game that just kept me engrossed constantly like this one.
Totally got my dates wrong for the Return to Lordran even but I’ll play through Dark Souls again anyway. I haven’t done the Chaos Zweihander before so that’s the plan