Definitely a 4.5-5 stars from me. Reminds me a lot of John Dies at the End which is one of my all-time favorites. It’s got a very similar sarcasm + meta mix. At the end though in the acknowledgements he comments on having been a writer for Stargate Universe and how he felt it was a good show and like DUDE. It was… fine. But a lot of what made the earlier stargates so good was the contrast between the dark sad moments and the utter hilarity of things like playing golf through the gate. SGU was just depressing through and through. Good book though, but again at least in part because there’s enough levity to level out the dark shit.

The other two books I have checked out currently are:

  1. A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Becky Chambers)

  2. All Systems Red (Martha Wells)

…if you have any suggestions for which I should read first (or any other books to see if my library has).

      2 months ago

      Me too! I guess I was more expecting to see Red Shirts get blown up in bits and pieces and not them realizing their situation. To be honest I can’t remember much of the real story / ending