Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!
Question of the week:
What is your favorite uncommon fruit? Also what are some good megathread questions?
Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other.
Looking forward to hearing what everyone’s up to!
Durian doesn’t really count as uncommon but when I make the hour long pilgrimage to the durian vendor the people on the street have a good giggle at the pasty lady buying them.
Alas only Thai or Darwin durians can be fresh here for biosec laws. Others have been frozen. If I ever have the money to take a holiday overseas I’m going to travel to malasia just to visit a particular farm a family friend knows the owners at. Ahh durian, the trancendental joy, the lobes of heaven, the sublime satiator.
I’m painting. PO gave the door hardware the landlord special that made them rust, so now the bedroom has spiraled into a week and bit job. Looks great so far, and once I get the 'robe done with new brass and the trim redone in jarrah it’ll be my little sanctuary. Pic relates
old and ugly wardrobe going Kenedy assassination green
I love the green walls! I just had my carpets removed and engineered wood installed but I had people do it because there is no way I would have been able to pull that off. I like the privacy screen on the window too, great job!
<3 It’s had a mixed reception, all cool people love colour. My goal is a home that feels warm and lived in, where a stranger would feel comfortable putting their bag down anywhere.
Since I’m a degenerate who failed at capitalism I have a lot of time to learn how to do jobs around the house. If my body was in better nick I’d aim for something like a fitter and turner apprenticeship. Always loved labour but not work if that makes sense?
Always loved labour but not work if that makes sense?
Same friend, same.
Oh actually, black sapote is extremely uncommon here, had it once. Excellent fruit. Jabuticaba is slightly more common and stellar too, living next to the usa seems bad bat at least you south Americans get excellent fruit in compensation.
Oh on weird fruit. May I introduce the finger lime:
Can’t believe I’ve never seen these before! What do they taste like?
gonna be an underwhelming answer but umm lime?
Oh haha, they are literally limes, I thought they might just be called that like how mangosteen is called mango but isn’t or grapefruits aren’t grapes
I don’t think they’re actually related to limes very closely. But they are a native Australian citrus.
Woah, its looks like a caviar fruit, that looks awesome!
My favorite uncommon fruit are rambutans because I am eating some now. They are really good and funny looking.
An excellent fruit.
Kiwi is my favorite fruit. I always loved the taste but I thought was not practical to eat. Once I discovered that actually the skin was edible it changed my entire relation with Kiwis. Now I just gobble them up. Not sure if kiwi is uncommon though.
Haha I had the same experience. I love kiwis and their crunchy skins!
Pomelos are pretty cool. Basically like a giant orange/grapefruit, and you peel all the slices completely, so there’s no yucky pith to eat.
I love Pomelos! They are actually a true citrus, Oranges are actually a hybrid of Mandarins and Pomelos and Grapefruits are hybrids of Oranges and Pomelos. Check out this map I’ve had on my computer for a long time:
Where I live is a citrus region and the mandarins and oranges are coming ripe right now, the grape fruits and pomelos take a bit more time and get picked in February, I can’t wait!
I don’t think it’s really uncommon—although, it was to me as I wasn’t brought up on a lot of fruit (just mango, apple, orange, and lemon)—, but grapefruit would be my pick. I really like it and I don’t like many other fruits, but I don’t have it too often as it has some weird drug interactions. I do enjoy having a fruit that’s bitter and tastes kinda sweet at the same time.
Something that I do want to have again is durian. I didn’t mind the smell and I actually liked how it tasted. Haven’t found any fruit similar to taste. It’s fairly hard to get here (as in I have to travel a bit to a fruit market by public transport) and I’m not sure if my neighbours would appreciate the smell lol.
I also don’t mind coconut given that someone else breaks it open for me… I’ve done it once and it was quite a primal feeling smashing it on my bench hoping that nothing would break. The inner-flesh was nice to eat, but not nice enough to want to smash open a coconut for it.
You mentioned the only two fruits I don’t like lol durian and coconut. I do really love grapefruits though and I’ve been taking them from a nearby tree lately now that they are in season. I don’t know what it is about coconut flavor I really don’t like maybe I should give it another shot.
I guess it’s not super uncommon, but I like mango quite a bit. Just don’t like preparing it because the stupid pit is hard to work unlike other stone fruit. There really isn’t many fruits I actually don’t like.
For questions, I think holiday meal idea themed questions would be helpful for some of us that are still relatively new. I never know what to make since it’s just me at a family gathering of like 15-20. So maybe on the run up to Thanksgiving and Christmas?
I love mango 🤤
Someone I used to work with would just eat them off the pit in the break room and now I eat them like that too LMAO. Just peel back the skin and mow down.
I’m gonna have to grab some with groceries this week lol. I bet my kids would love them too.
I hate getting the furry pit in my teeth though haha
Oh yeah, def need to floss right after!
It can be any fruit uncommon to you! I also love mangos and have figured out where the pit will be with my intuition somehow. It is just starting to be mango season in Mexico so they should start coming around again in a month or so.
Man, I’d love fresh mangos instead of having them imported into the SStates. Our Big Blue Store fruit situation is highly questionable, ngl.
I actually hate most types of fruit. I have quite a bit of trauma , and my awwtisms says (insert bugs bunny meme “no”) I’m very slowly overcoming this, starting small like fruit drinks.
Do you have a favorite vegetable?
🥔 Potatos :3 i love them so much! 🥔 they are so cool!
Is lychee uncommon? I fucking love it. Oh, and longon, which is easier to peel.
I am also partial to mangosteens, both as a fruit and as a memory of being a shit head on the internet in the 2000s.
I have never had a mangosteen or know the reference lol They look cool though, I will keep my eyes out!
kumquats are my favorite but i can almost never find them. The bigger mandarin quats are ok, not quite as good though.
I love kumquats I’m thinking of growing a tree in a pot so I can have them in a few years
Is it time for another weekly thread?
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