So I’ve been scratching my head for two days trying to get my own lemmy server up and running.
I have limited server hosting experience but I used to design html websites back in high school through wordpress and was able to successfully set up my own mastadon instance so I’m pretty decent at following instructions, but what keeps tripping me up is ansible and how the heck it works.
The instructions ( are telling me to install ansible on my local machine using python3. On my windows machine I installed ansible using python but when i type the ansible command into terminal it gives me no command found. Is linux required as a host machine?
I have an account over at digitalocean and I’m willing to host my own ubuntu machine over there to get my instance running but I cannot for the life of me figure out how ansible is supposed to set up a server on my windows machine. ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated… I’m tearing my hair out and feel incredibly stupid right now :D
I would not self-host this on Windows; and if you’re not a seasoned server administrator I definitely wouldn’t use the Ansible (or even docker-compose) methods.
I wrote some bash scripts that will help you deploy on if you like, which abstracts the hosting layer away a little bit:
That said if you’re not super comfortable in this space then debugging and correcting problems is also going to feel incredibly frustrating, so, just warning you.
If you aren’t attached to Ansible, I suggest using Docker to host Lemmy. I found it’s instructions, using Docker Compose, to be quite straight forward.
My other 2 cents is that hosting on Windows isn’t worth the hassle and there will be a lot less to debug on Ubuntu if you’re already comfortable with it.
Ansible is just a playbook deploying the docker setup. ;)
I highly doubt Ansible works on Windows and in general it is really not a good idea to host anything on Windows as it is way to insecure and also not meant for it.
If you install something on your DO VPS maybe try Yunohost:
Yunohost is awesome. I use it myself for my Lemmy instance. Unfortunately because YunoHost doesn’t use containers and Lemmy now requires psql 15 it’s stuck on Lemmy 0.16.7. So it’s not ideal if you want the latest version of the sure to be quickly changing Lemmy software.
Install wsl for windows Ubuntu default.(can install wsl in PowerShell).
Install Ansible in wsl, create ssh keys to your VPS, follow those instructions.
On my Ubuntu server I did literally nothing but the ssh key generation.
Following the instructions using wsl and I get met with the following error after running the playbook:
“fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable”, “unreachable”: true}”
Where do I enter my ssh info?
I think this is one of the more sensible answers here. If your workstation is windows, then utilize WSL for ansible and deploy onto a ubuntu or debian host (I’m assuming it works fine on debian, I used ubuntu). You might run into some issues with ansible dependencies as the readme doesn’t seem to cover everything from what i remember, but once ansible works and has the correct configs, deployment is super easy.
Yeah Ansible I had to set the path variable and did the ssh key generation. Other than that my lemmy was up and running in like 10 minutes all automated. You can go back and change the config by rebuilding the yaml. It’s not bad at all.
I ran into some dependency issues(needed to install ansible-collection-community-docker on my fedora workstation), but after that it ran fine and installed everything first run. I made some adjustments to the inventory config afterwards, but aside from that it just worked.
sadly, none of these is worth implementing. Remember, Windows is designed to break. MS has millions of tiny levers to flick, and they don’t care if their mindless flicking fucks up your work. Worse of all, the law protects them from flicking to destroy you out of spite. Best thing to o do is just use linux. Or design our own OS. Since Linux itself is slowly collapsing under the weight of MS bullshit. And god forbid that shithole IOS.
Also going to suggest using the docker containers as well. It’s much easier to get up and running, plus Docker knowledge is great to have under your belt.
The ansible playbook just deploys docker containers. It does nginx proxy config, deploys the docker software, and then creates the compose file and deploys the containers. The reality is the ansible deploy and docker deploy both use docker. The ansible playbook just does more of everything all at once in an automated way.
After a looooong day of trial and error and basically learning all of this from scratch, I am happy to say I have finally gotten my own instance up and running!
HUGE credits goes to for creating a script to install Lemmy in just a few simply commands. Definitely reccomend checking out his work if you’re brand new to all of this:
Although I ended up taking the “easy way out”, I do want to take a moment to thank all of you for taking the time to comment and contribute time to help me sort out this problem. This is such a warm and welcoming communtiy and I really appreciate it. Cheers from SoCal!
Amazing!!! I’m so glad to hear I was able to help you get things set up! You’re my first success story, good to know it’s actually working for people!
Welcome to the self-hosted Fediverse!
Not sure how ansible works on Windows but you could use Windows Subsystem for Linux, install ansible on that and then off you go.
I’ve had success running mine on docker but i’ve been messing around with docker for a while now so i’m familiar with it. I googled a tutorial that specified what parameters in the config file that needed to be my domain and did the rest on my own. The tutorial was as detailed as to included the commands to make the correct folders and change their permissions. If you have access to a linux machine that may be a better route.
If you’re running python on windows then you need to make sure you’re environment variables are updated or else the commands the instructions tells you to put into cmd will do nothing because the path to the application isn’t defined.
I totally feel you, it took me 4 days on different computers until I gave in and got a new clean server just for lemmy. Then I used the Docker way of hosting. But even with that the documentation didn’t tell me everything, so I had to change the second nginx config file (the one with
server_name my_domain.tld;
) so now this is working even with the web-workers (for posting comments) and federation with SSL:map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; } server { server_name; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-for $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; } listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot } server { if ($host = { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } # managed by Certbot listen 80; server_name; return 404; # managed by Certbot }
The way I did it was to setup WSL and installed Ansible there then used the lemmy ansible script pointing to my lemmy instance VM
Ansible runs on your local machine, but it executes the setup on your (Linux) server remotely via SSH. I’d definitely recommend the Ansible setup, it was the easiest I tried. Are you able to SSH into your server already?
On my windows machine I installed ansible using python but when i type the ansible command into terminal it gives me no command found. Is linux required as a host machine?
Its possible the installer didnt properly add the ansible exectuable to the PATH environment variable. You can do this manually, or just use the command prompt and cd to the directory that ansible is installed.
You can do a search of “environment” and edit the variables yourself. It does require a reboot to take effect.
System>Path is what you want to set. And no matter what you need to know where the ansible installer is.
Personally I used an exsiting linux box in my lab. If i didnt have that, then maybe the windows subsystem for linux would be my next step. I would avoid python/ansible in windows if i could.
Additionally you COULD just install ansible on the local VPS. You basically just set the localhost to be the destination in the hosts config.
Something like this
I would also do some basic lockdown of the machine. Set SSH to key based auth only. Setup the firewall and block all ports other than 80/443 and limit 22 to your home IP or something. Limit SSH access to only an account or group etc etc.
I just set one up using docker. Went surprisingly smoothly.
Stop what you are doing and use
It is super easy this way.