Looking for tips on recipes to try with textured vegetable protein. It’s neutral in flavor and I have no idea on what to do with it. Someone suggested soaking it in a vegetable broth instead of water, but gosh that didn’t work and just ruined what seasoning I was adding onto it.
My favourite way to use these is frying them in a pan with a ton of spices and a stock cube and then adding the liquid.
My opinion is that the boiling in stock first just makes these soggy and bland. You can do that too, but really press the water out of them after the boiling with a spatula and pan fry them after that with good spices, it makes all the difference.
I’ve made salads, curries, lasagna, burritos, ragus and most other things you would use meat in by replacing the meat with these or the smaller dried soy granules that work so well as “mince”.
The trick is to really load them with flavour.