So I was flipping through the channels on my buddy’s TV (as you do) and came across an odd channel that started off its next segment saying something along the lines of ‘China, looks advanced and fancy, but hides a beast (and then shows a Chinese dragon), their dark ways rot something something a danger to the world something something dark dark dark’. I couldn’t make out everything the narrator was saying because even though it was in classical Arabic, it had an accent that threw me off; thankfully my friend was there to translate. Basically they loaded up every sentence of their (ad? segment? I don’t know, I changed the channel) with variations on the word ‘dark’ or ‘evil’ and how they’re a danger to the world (apparently in Arabic it doesn’t sound as redundant as it does in English). They also showed scenes from inside prisons; honestly I still have no idea how even if, EVEN IF, the Chinese are cruel to their prisoners that that would make them a threat to the world, so I fail to see the relevance of that clip.

I asked my buddy which country that channel was from (they get multiple Middle Eastern channels here) and he said he believes it’s American.

Radio free Arabia everyone; and what kind of gave me that hint was the fact the channel is literally also called ‘the freedom’ in Arabic.

  • miz [any, any]
    2 months ago

    what happened with the 1.6 billion dollars allocated to “Countering Chinese Influence”, that ended up going through yeah