Some obvious examples
- the holodeck gets a fatal software error and people are stuck in a classic novel
- a shuttle breaks down and crashes into a habitable planet
- the federation loses a space battle, but thankfully there’s some space jungle (nebula, asteroid field, etc) to hide out in, thankfully within sub light distances
- Lwaxana is allowed onboard
I laughed out loud.
“There’s a diplomatic crisis in the region and we need to ferry our resident horny milf to the summit for the third time this week”
Oh, would you look at that, only the Enterprise is available for such a dangerous mission!!
Kirk smirks. Clearly he and the smoke show ambassador “know” each other. Spock raises an eyebrow.
Next time it happens, it’s some “alien” and Bones gets to work on some exotic antibiotics that the captain is going to need soon.
every alien looks like a human with a skin condition. no, you cant handwave this shit away with the forerunner/precursor/progenitor shit.
im gonna let you in on a little secret: most of those aliens were actually played by human beings with make-up on. very few sci-fi shows actually cast real aliens, and even then human beauty standards often get in the way of things
any pointers as to which use the real thing?
Little shop of horrors
Gremlins 2
yeah i know why they do it. it still dont make no sense.
Can’t have sexual tension with a spider race. Or we can, but people aren’t ready.
Can’t have sexual tension with a spider race. Or we can, but people aren’t ready.
that’s a normal woman with a headdress. this is what i’m talking about.
I thought this was going to be sexy shelob from that one game
My #2 reason why I love Farscape. They had a shoestring budget, but damn if they didn’t try their best to make alien-looking aliens whenever they could.
Of course reason #1 is these two. If they liked my vibes from across the bar, I would probably lose the ability to talk around them and start sweating uncontrollably.
Chiana and twliek-worf were also hot
I am dying at “twilek Worf”.
deleted by creator
Every console regardless of its function can and will explode
With rocks
Everything is 47-something
Some energy wave is coming at the ship but they can’t, just, fly over it
Exploding duty station computers
Some energy wave is coming at the ship but they can’t, just, fly over it
try doing this weird sciency thingie
[beeping sounds] no it’s not working
Someone dies, the people standing right next to them are calm, cool, and collected. Even if red shirt Ricky was their good friend.
everyone is really into 20th century earth stuff
an admiral is crazed and evil (Starfleet really has some corruption problems)
an admiral is crazed and evil (Starfleet really has some corruption problems)
I would love to see an “Upper Decks” series of some kind. Set at the admiralty, have it be about the decent ethical admirals who are going out of their minds trying to rein in their crazy colleagues.
everyone is really into 20th century earth stuff
I always find that very odd across the series. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are history dorks in the future, but it always seems like a missed opportunity to explore the what the dorks of the 23rd century may be in to. It seems like a big worldbuilding and character building creative opportunity. I’m sure there is more “current” stuff in their world people may be into.
Wolf 359 was an inside job
There’s a time travel episode and it’s always to some place that looks like southern California in the mid-1990’s
Not really a trope, and also a thing that’s weird because you’d think it’d happen more often: The Horny Disease.
In the real world, that stuff would be going around every other day.
It’s called Captain Kirk syndrome.
Tucker actually got pregnant so Kirk wasn’t that much of a Horndog.
Oh shit, I forgot about that lol! Every ship has it’s sex pest, but Kirk was the most prominent and overt womanizer imo. In one episode he keeps making out with an adult woman with the mind of an 8 year old.
I didn’t remember that! Seems dodgy to me.
Yeah, it’s the one where they get abducted and forced to fight for the entertainment of some brains in a jar.
CW:SA At one point they convince you that Uhura is beingremovedd, but after enough protest the barbarian guy backs off. Kirks makeout sesh is framed as something that helps the child mind lady to become self aware and being to grow. It’s a weird episode.
Oh yeah, I have a vague memory of that. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen tos.
Bridge officers dying in space combat from being thrown off their feet and hitting their head on a panel or screen, or from debris falling on them.
I feel like wearing the slightest amount of armor (or even just a bike helmet!) into battle would have saved dozens of highly decorated ship captains, even admirals, from abrupt ends to their careers.
Or how about this…harnesses!
I guess a Ralph Nader sort never existed in the Star Trek timeline.
I laughed for a solid minute when I watched the Orville pilot episode and seatbelts were (a) used appropriately and (b) solved an immediate crisis.
The chief engineer saves the day by inverting the polarity on the matter/anti-matter phase injector system allowing the ship to escape the space anomaly they are trapped in
The Enterprise is always the only ship that’s within range to mitigate a crisis, even when it is near Earth, the capitol world of the Federation and where the big orbital shipyards are.
When there is radiation, everyone is always totally fine yet the “one minute to lethal exposure” always goes all the way into the last minute. Nobody has any issues before that thought.
All the illnesses, parasites and exposures that happen that they don’t just remove with the beamy thingy.
Even the aliens are very into 20th century Earth stuff, European and USA stuff especially.
All-cabable entities are for some reason petty and mean and super interested in historical Earth stuff.
Even the aliens are very into 20th century Earth stuff, European and USA stuff especially.
It would be interesting to see a new Star Trek show explore this phenomena and frame it as human supremacism within the Federation considering they’re the most important founding species. Would be cool if existing shows already explored this but that would be too much to expect from 90s/00s TV.
Every single time a pre-warp civilization is going through a major crisis, the officers need to have a meeting in the important meeting room to discuss whether or not intervening and breaking the prime directive would do more good than harm while also displaying the worst bits of moral cowardice while debating it.
Yes, I really hate PD episodes from TNG onwards. I know lower decks lampshaded the most egregious one in TNG, where Picard decided to take his ball and fuck off at the end.
I am more annoyed by the lack of what should happen, but doesn’t.
Captain’s Log, Stardate everyday: Space is still empty and boring.
Data: We’re approaching an asteroid.
Picard: On screen. Is there anything interesting about this asteroid?
Data: it is almost entirely composed of iron and silicon dioxide.
Picard: still the most interesting thing we have encountered in months.
Way too many actual WWII nazis. I think they are in every series, except DS9. But that one has its own version.