No thanks.
I’d like to add to this, last time Americans were deployed in Britain properly (WW2), they were made to watch training videos about how they need to be less racist.
They then tried to stop black soldiers going into the British pubs anyway, so some Brits started barring US soldiers from their pubs unless they were black.
some Brits started barring US soldiers from their pubs unless they were black.
Imagine being so racist you need the Brits to tell you to cool it
Satan: “whoa, that’s a little evil even for ME!”
In a lot of ways, Britain did the first ‘woke’ capitalism. Ending the slave trade on their own terms has turned out to be a two hundred year masterstroke in letting themselves off the hook, while retaining control over all their colonies (for a good extra century)
Then the war happens - all they had to be was less racist than Hitler, and they needed manpower anyway, so they enlist the whole commonwealth into their ranks.
Post war, they encourage immigration to Britain not only to rebuild the country, as the classic Windrush narrative goes, but also because if they don’t, the commonwealth will side with the various communist revolutions going on. Winston Churchill is even quoted to have said so.
A similar thing happened in Australia, culminating in the Battle of Brisbane
We’re liberating Great Britain.
By eliminating the monarchy, right?
By eliminating the monarchy, right?
They will loot the monarchy and install it in Washington like they always secretly wanted.
Wait, does this mean we are turning into the code gayass timeline?
I want my mech to be pink
No, it’s like with Cyberpunk, no cool things like VR, AV’s or cyborgisations, only bad ones like climate crisis and widespread poverty. Same with this, no mechs, only Charles and William.
I had the same idea
uh oh
he’s made me ready to die for my country
the first ounce of patriotism I’ve felt in years
rule Britannia
you can take my childhood alcoholism from my cold dead hands
the us invading the uk would be really good for convincing people the west is a set of us client states rather than independent democracies
i will die before i see an american flag flying over staines or milton keynes
i don’t rate much about this country but the ability to have the odd drink at when you’re 8 is certainly one upside. having to wait til 21 is mad.
In certain US states (most of them?), it’s legal for people under 21 to drink alcohol with parental supervision. Ironically, being exposed to Old Milwaukee Lite piss-water when I was about 7 made me stay away from booze until I was 21.
yeah genuinely - i feel like associating vodka with my mother/family events much more strongly than Cool Fun Parties definitely helped dull the lustre of going wild when i turned 18, and “underage” drinking made sure i knew my limits by the time i went out into the world on my own. its good for the soul and that’s why the average amerikkkan is Like That 😔🙏
same… except i was 17 when started drinking which was at least 2 years after my friends began pestering me to drink with them
Yeah but the functional drinking age is actually much lower, like the first time I got drunk with friends we were 12
You sound like you’re from Wisconsin. I guess we’re not so different after all.
Mexico, (edit: because I forgot) Canada (), Greenland, and now UK. It’s giving Fourth Reich
Man in the High Castle but instead of the world split between Nazis and Imperial Japan it’s split between the US and Israel
Well played
Who’s the third wheel?
Trump also talked about making Canada the 51st state.
Big state
Texas big?
General Cornwallis after I use time travel to convince him of the importance of not losing the revolutionary war against the 13 Colonies:
“So you’re telling me that in 250 years some sort of baron of horseless carriages and goldless money will convince the Colonists to invade Mother England?”
Here’s how Irish Reunification can still happen in 2025:
Ah fuck it, if America is gonna point its military brutality at someone England’s probably the third one I’d want it pointed at.
There are only two countries that I would support the US trying to invade, Israel and Saudi Arabia. England I don’t support it but I’m less opposed than if it was any other country.
How do you feel about the rest of the U.K. and NI?
leading a dozen Yankee dogs into a field of punji traps by placing signs to free healthcare and donuts along their patrol route
If brits can agree on anything its hating americans… Too fucking noisy and don’t queue properly
so uh I guess I’m gonna end up meeting a bunch of you on opposite sides of the battlefield then? we gonna make any plans? drinks or something?
KKK chapter gets into stabbing match over argument on who’s the most racist.
I want King Charles and the Nonce Family to be the new underground hole meme.
Critical support for the US restarting the troubles
Uncritical support to the Bloke’s Resistance Army in their struggle against US imperialism