I’m currently running a poison Rogue build (lvl 39) with the following abilities:
- Primary Forceful Arrow
- Advanced Twisting Blades
- Methodical Dash
- Countering Poison Trap
- Rain of Arrows
- Poison Imbuement
- Exposure
- Weapon Mastery
- Deadly Venom
Admittedly I am following a guide from Gamespot because I’m not smart enough to find the most efficient path for most damage. Often I find that my sorcerer friends take down enemies a ton quicker but it could be because I’m not playing my class correctly yet.
Any recommendations or just want to share your other class builds?
Hi, I don’t know about rogue but I wanted to at least contribute by leaving here some Diablo communities They aren’t as big as beehaw’s gaming c\ but everyone could help :)
Thank you for the suggestion! I subscribed to one or both but I think my request to subscribe is pending. I’ll see about being more active in both. :)
Hey! This is great, thanks for starting a topic.
I’ve been playing as a druid, following the icy builds leveling guide, https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/druid/builds/. (check out the rogue one if you haven’t)
I have been following it on and off, lots of respecs depending on what items drop. Pulverize is super powerful especially if you can pick up some passives and gear.
I’m jumping to create a rogue right now, looking forward to trying to actually keep up with playing a season in July.
Druids are cool! My buddy plays one but I always feel better when he’s in the party due to the sheer tank. At least I think the bear ability is tanky.
Yeah I need to be less shy about respecs–I’ve stuck with the same one since the start. I really dig that AOE build for Rogue in that link you sent. Looks like I got a couple of experiments I could try tonight.
I’m at… 41 I think with my rogue and am currently following this build: https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/classes/rogue/shadow-twisting-blades-build-leveling
It took a while to get going but now it’s actually quite fun, stuff blow upp everywhere and survival is pretty decent. :)
Oh my god this looks incredible haha. Not that poison isn’t viable (I’ve been struggling), but this actually looks like it would even help me while playing solo. Going to give this a shot, thank you.
Try it out, it’s been a blast! Don’t know if it’s the best build but it’s fun so far!
Something I have found immensely useful is the filter on the activity panel, top-right of it. Being able to easily highlight for eample abilities that does something with vulnerability gives me so much better overview. Really helps me determine where to put the points when I’m too lazy to tab to a guide.
Aöso Fextralife have a bunch of build guides.
I’m doing a Druid and not looking at build guides, just doing what seems fun. I use Storm Strike and the Werewolf core ability with various synergies that cause them to build off of each other. I’m only around level 25 but it’s a lot of fun so far.
I couldn’t resist making a corpse explosion necro. I used my own way to get to 50. Once I got to 50 I looked up some tips to optimize what I did and went with shadow damage.
It might make sense for me to wait until I get to 50 as well. After I read these awesome suggestions, I went into the game and it looks like it would cost me $26,000 just to respec. I don’t like that the game makes experimentation prohibitive, but then again I don’t know how precious money drops will get heading into end game.
Your worries about gold end pretty quickly, at least as far as the cost of skills and gear upgrades are concerned. I’m level 44 and have fully respec’d my character twice as well as tweaked those builds along the way.
26k isn’t much. my level 50 druid has over 4 million gold…
I’ve been trying to save gold, but I really wasn’t too stingy in what I spent it on. Mostly upgrading just weapons, repair bills, and an aspect here and there. I’m mostly hording mats until late game. If you make a couple runs or selling blues and yellows you find, you’ll get back what you spent in respeccing easy. Just don’t sell too much in items because you’ll have plenty of gold in no time from said selling and questing. Mats are more valuable. What I’m getting at is don’t feel bad spending to respec, I did it a couple times tinkering with skills here and there, and once completely all over. I’m not in end game so take that with a grain of salt. I have fun tinkering with skills so I am not really bothered spending on it.