The church questline was the greatest most HARD CORE thing I have ever seen in a video g*me.
Also communism, lots of communism. Unfortunately also fascism, moralism, humanism and liberalism :ooooooooooooooh:
It’s definitely a 10/10 masterpiece, though I wouldn’t include it in my personal GOAT like New Vegas or Dragon Age Origins because it got too realistically depressing at times.
Egg head is going to be okay. I hope.
I’m playing through it for the first time. It’s actually quite tricky because during most of my gaming I’m also listening to podcasts or YouTube, whereas with Disco Elysium I want to fully focus on everything. I keep screenshotting the dialogue to send to my girlfriend, who’s probably quite confused without full context.
I loved the whole game, but what stuck with me the most was the beginning, learning how awful you are. I’ll put it in spoilers even though it is early game stuff, but learning that you have
left the body hanging from a tree for several days and pawned your service weapon without you having any choice about it
made me realize that this was different from what I was used to.
That quest has to be some of my favorite sci fi world building of all time.
There needs to be more dialogue options that are explicitly insincere. Sometimes you gotta tell people what they wanna hear but I don’t want the game thinking it’s my actual sincere take
It’s weird how the church quest is an incredible side quest and almost 1/4 of the game for me yet it’s completely optional and missable
Really? Doesn’t it reveal clues for the main storyline though or am I misremembering?
Only that
Evrart is planning to use drug money
but that is also information you can obtain in another way
Oh wow I missed that entirely in my playthrough. I was always wondering just how corrupt can a guy that never leaves a shipping container really be? His whole life is dedicated to the shipping terminal. Dude’s not going to cross the dockworkers or leave the community.
Evrart spoilers
If you needle Evrart enough he will drop his cheerful facade and talk about how fiercely he hates the bourgeoisie, how they cause nothing but poverty, and how he doesn’t believe fighting them should require any sort of moral standards. He’s willing to do anything to fuck the ruling class over.
Do you by chance have a link to where I could read the dialogue or watch a youtube video of it? Or even a guide on how to get to this in game? I’m really curious
Actually I asked someone who’s played it more than I have and this is what they told me.
There’s a hidden task where you can act as a third-party between Joyce and Evrart. Talk to them back and forth and carry messages between then. He eventually lays out why he hates the wealthy so much.
Thanks! More the reason to play again. Joyce is a well written character but I hate her and I couldn’t bring myself to help her on my first playthrough.
I got some of that but not quite your take, but your take makes sense. The parts Evan told me where so that I thought maybe he just adapts to what I want to hear, but with the other bits you lot posted he seems to be much more antagonistic and class conscious than I thought.
The satire of ideologies in DE is genuinely some of the most biting satire in that regard anywhere. The satire of communism hits particularly hard because it comes from a place of real experience and affection.
Gotta love it when
Disco Elysium communism spoiler
You join an org and it’s a glorified book club which mostly just critiques stuff like media, argues over weird almost posadist (without the nukes) theory, doesn’t actually read theory, is extremely academic and splits constantly.
Also gotta love Kim Katsuragi.
same as above
You bring him to a communist meeting, despite being basically a socdem, and not only doesn’t complain, but is implied to actually have fun when Harry and the students discuss theory.
Kim is a very good boy and the only good cop to ever exist
communist quest spoilers
I love how clear it is Harry has no place calling himself a communist and how goofy he comes across during the quest. He’s some dumbass cop who lost all his memories and decided he’s a revolutionary, the one true communist actually. I love how he’ll bring up communism in nearly every conversation regardless of the context. He’ll loudly and openly mention he hates the bourgeoisie, just so everyone remembers. It’s such an accurate portrayal of some baby leftists I always smile in those parts.
I love how he gets a little thrill whispering that he’s a fellow traveler to some of the union guys. I love how he meets with those two students thinking it’s an org, when it’s just a glorified book club. It’s just so good.
Then the final part, meeting the veteran revolutionary who calls Harry out. Harry keeps saying “yeah I’m a communist like you.” and veteran replying that Harry is a dumbass cop who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
It’s so good. It’s coming from experience and a place of understanding. The devs are just so good. A few lines should just be accepted theory, like how communism is like getting a degree in truth, or that that one line about zero percent of communism has been built.
more spoilers
Then the final part, meeting the veteran revolutionary who calls Harry out. Harry keeps saying “yeah I’m a communist like you.” and veteran replying that Harry is a dumbass cop who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
I like how while this is true, it’s also true that (depending on how you just played the game) Harry is someone who just spent the last week among the people, learning about their plights, helping where you can, while the deserter is miserable and hateful, and has completely isolated himself from the working class and any sort of mass struggle, just wallowing in despair at how bad the rest of society has become and how terrible everyone else is for letting it happen. You’re both lousy communists for the opposite reasons.
The dancing in the church was some of the best animated dancing in
computer gamehistorymoralism, humanism and liberalism
When I first got the game I had no idea the chapos were in it. I lost my shit hearing Felix do his tier one operator voice as the strike breaker
They got revoiced in the re-releases and major updates though.
For the better, with no offense met. Glad the Chapo boys got to be in it, but the voice actors for the rerelease did a much better job.
yeah Matt’s performance of BIG DICK COPS is not, let’s say, convincing. Plus the game is now fully voice acted which very much elevates the entire experience.
God yes. I guess it was fine having Matt voice a container guy that most people probably never met, but Felix voiced a plot critical character and that had to be replaced. Though I will give them that you could actually justify his lackluster performance in the beginning.
Matt voiced the union rep / gang leader guy who you have to interact with over multiple days
fucking really?
I was waiting for them to show up, and I cannot imagine Matt voicing Hardie lmaoooooo
He voices the character with a kind of southern drawl too. Believe me I was very surprised with the Final Cut
Converting Egg Head to communism was so satisfying.
Best character
When I played it I loved the writing too but the game itself just felt so, so sluggish, and the skill checks were so bad it completely killed any enjoyment.
And I say this as someone who really likes VNs. I love reading. It was everything else in Disco Elysium that just made me groan until I got tired of it.
I can see where you’re coming from, but the skill system in particular being designed the way it is is a perfect match for the game’s themes. Just like with white skill checks, Harry’s life is the story of someone failing horribly but coming back to try again.
But there’s a fast travel system in the game that just straight up doesn’t work and it would be better if it did.
It’s the very beginning that is very frustrating. No wonder everyone gravitates towards sorry cop, you’re completely fucking useless and a complete fuck up who can’t even do basic cop shit. Once that’s dealt with, the game picks up pace really quick, and you’ll have some good bearings on what you stats you want to focus on and it’ll make you feel like big dick gumshoe.