Coward. You held the bastard in contempt 9+ times for fuck sake
It’s a fantasy that he would see jail time for this sentence - even if he weren’t president.
Rich white people don’t go to jail for non-violent crimes.
Unless they steal money from other rich people. No need to bring race into this. It’s all class
Michael Cohen, well-off white guy and lawyer who arranged this actual crime for Trump already went to prison for it years ago, so that’s clearly not true.
Why did it take 8 years to convict Trump of the same crime? Michael Cohen finished his sentence and was released in 2021.
How the fuck can they argue presidential immunity when he was not fucking president at the time. SCOTUS said immunity for official acts as president. He was not president and therefore not an official act.
The amount of legal and mental gymnastics it takes to not sentenced this sack of shit to some real time is fucking epic. I can’t believe our entire legal system rolls over and plays dead for Aotus.
I guess they have proven him right though. It is all a show and none of it is real anymore. Pathetic.
It’s because SCOTUS also said anything in the aura of an official act can’t be used as evidence. So if the president, as a private individual, does something illegal, but the only evidence is from an official presidential communication, sorry, can’t use it. It’s bullshit, but that’s what they ruled.
Trump’s team was claiming that key evidence was subject to this immunity. But the judge completely shot them down.
I mean what you say is logical except for the fact he was not President when this happened. Hence the mental/legal gymnastics unless I am missing something.
If the evidence comes from ‘official presidential communication’, it can’t be used; is what was said.
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Meanwhile, South Korea is in the process of arresting their president who attempted a coup exactly month ago.
Ah but see in South Korea the President failed to first make sure the National Assembly would back him no matter what.
“Only by bringing finality to this matter” will the interests of justice be served, Merchan wrote.
But apparently not with any actual consequences.
I can’t help, but wonder, if Trump had just said, “yeah I paid a porn star to sleep with me. What of it? Who cares?” Then none of this would’ve happened as far as I can determine.
If he admits it his wife can take half of everything in the divorce.
Half of nothing is still nothing
I mean after grifting 30% of the country and various external people for 8y he might have actual wealth now.
It hasn’t all been funneled back to Papa Putin?
I assume he’s narcissistic enough to take his “share” from what he gives to Putler.
I can’t help, but wonder, if Trump had just said, “yeah I paid a porn star to sleep with me. What of it? Who cares?” Then none of this would’ve happened as far as I can determine.
The issue wasn’t that he lied about it, as I understand it, the issue was that he claimed the money he paid to Stormy Daniels as a tax deductible campaign expense.
Am I correct in thinking that Cohen was sentenced to three years but the sack of shit who directed him to commit those crimes won’t see even a single day behind bars?
I can’t find fault with your argument
Should sentence him to 4 years of Whitehouse arrest.
Without access to the Internet.
weird that some judge is afraid of giving some harsh sentence.
… isn’t this some kind of terrorism~?
Honestly, it’s probably more about being realistic. By the same logic of the presidential immunity that SCOTUS invented, you wouldn’t be able to imprison a sitting president. The other option for a punishment is a fine, which Trump likely would refuse to pay, and then what? They can’t jail him for the refusal because presidential immunity. So, the judge is admitting that nothing he tries to impose is going to stick.
oh, true. i forgot they got that presidential immunity thing now.
vengeful immune president is really something to be afraid of.
Have him on probation, with a gps tracker on his leg, weekly check-ins and mandatory drug tests. Fucker.
No government benefits until he passes a weekly drug test
Is this surprising, like, at all? He’ll never get what he deserves. But we all got what we deserved.
I deserve so much fucking better than this.
That’s just fucking great.
You know, I’m getting a bit hungry.
Yard needs some mulch
I’m sure he’ll really learn his lesson with this.
Crime never pays. Except when it does when everyone lets it slide for no reason.
It’s gonna just be a fine. That he pays for by selling hats and shoes to clueless supporters.
It’s not even going to be a fine. The indications the judge has given are that it will be a felony record and nothing more.
Judge just wants to close this clown car of a case, open a bottle of whiskey and move to Denmark.
The ideal solution would to be delay sentencing until 2028.
Yeah finally justice if/when he makes it to 82 years old!
Then you’ll just end up with a Putin/Netanyahu situation where it’s perpetual war because they can’t step down clean. Letting these fucks go scot-free is the only way they’ll let the rest of us live in peace.