This entire techbro anti aging cult bubble is both a lot more entertaining and makes much more sense when you simply assume it’s ran by a bunch of vampires. Like, take a look at that guy. Famous for getting blood transfusions from his son, avoids sunlight at all costs, brags about his low body temperature, just has the all-around biggest Ventrue ancilla vibes you can imagine.
ofc if you want to grift people who want to avoid death at all costs, making them think you’re a vampire is a fairly sound marketing concept to make them pay for premium access to your inner circle.
Does have a striking resemblance
Literal Picture of Dorian Gray ahh mfs.
We’re getting transhumanism for the 1% and the dystopia for the rest of us.
Nah, they’re all gonna invest in tech snake oil while getting Long Covid over and over till it kills them.
Nah. If they somehow cure aging we can just do things the old fashioned way 😜
Yeah they’re gonna be wishing for hemlock tea and bed by the time any of this experimentation reaches fruition.
Brave new world: the instruction manual.
Only the ruling class are seen as full humans and their lives are nothing more than a massive cradle-to-grave party where they enjoy all the things they tell poor people are ‘sinful’ all the time and free of charge. Eugenics and transhumanism have boosted them to nigh-godhood
Lower ranking people are literally programmed to enjoy their menial labor. Porky’s whole thing irl is telling us to forget college or any other life-changing experience and leaving our hometowns and just do all the undesirable jobs they don’t want to do for shit pay…with a smile on our faces (seriously, I felt ill reading that bit because as an autistic person, that’s literally how they want me to be. An NPC happy to spend my whole life doing menial labor for no reward.)
Genuine question, what role do you think eugenics plays in this?
Also, are kids being told to forget college when college students are a cash cow? When I was a kid it was all about going to college because you’ll literally (not really) be making $150k+ with a bullshit degree, anyone can buy a nice house, and have a nice life in no time. Then 2008 ruined the party. I figure schools are still telling kids to go to college but the kids just realize they can’t afford it? Honestly don’t blame them.
Sorry, kind of BMF’d too close to the sun.
I’m making more of a prediction on what this will lead to, but I can totally see the rich at some point wanting to collectively tamper with the human genome to try to selectively breed for “desirable” traits among them, and they will try to genetically engineer humans to be more submissive to them.
As for the forget college part, that seems to be the next “learn to code” that’s told for gen Z. Of course the rich will go and they’re probably somewhat counting on some non-nepo babies going to college anyways despite their “warning”, but they just handwave away disgruntled graduates that they should have learned a trade or started their own business instead.
Nothing to apologize about! That all makes sense to me.
I was also in the middle of things and what you said interested me.
I read Brave New World for the first time a few months ago. I found it really weird how the most explicit theme of the book is how suffering terribly like the people in the desert reservation is required to make life worthwhile, given the class structure you just pointed out. It was treated as little more than world-building. This is particularly strange considering 2 of the book’s protagonists are (in name at least) Marx and gender swapped Lenin.
Thankfully, all my comrades are masking. Right?
Someone needs to explain what the word “mild” means to him. What he is showing is a severe symptom.
People who use Mild have always been referring to the acute Covid, aka the initial infection. Totally ignoring how many doctors and researchers out there were saying there’s no such thing as a mild infection because of the long term damage, but you know, OOPSIE DAISY!🤷
FDR had a mild case of Polio
That’s nothing a billion dollars cant fix, just buy new lungs.
He better hurry. Not a lot of novids out there.
I’ve seen some clips of this dude, absolute freak. I hope he lives to early old age and drops off quickly because of extreme anxiety due to the treatments doing nothing at a certain point. Can you imagine, the first slightest sign that the millions he spends can’t stop time. Suddenly his whole psyche implodes and he literally stresses himself to death.
the first slightest sign that the millions he spends can’t stop time.
I’m some years older than he is. One day I had an experience that made me think of the idiom “I know __________ like the back of my hand.” I was in my kitchen chopping away on the chopping board . The light in that part of my kitchen is surprisingly bright. When I looked down - for the first time I noticed that there was a noticeably older network of tiny wrinkles on the back of my hand when my fingers were splayed out. In the years since then - I’ve gotten some tiny, faint liver spots. None of that is surprising. That’s aging and - shocker(!) - your body systemically gets older.
Typically vain people have plastic surgery or do procedures on the certain parts of their body and in particular on their face. But he’s probably checking every inch of his body every day for any tiny “flaw”. What is he going to do when all his millions have failed to stop what I happened to notice on the back of my hand that day? I wonder if in his 60s or 70s he’ll die due to his own insane vanity. For example - I can imagine him having a crazy and highly dangerous number of Botox injections on at a similarly crazy and highly dangerous frequency.
I will celebrate when this fucker dies from some experimental de-aging procedure
Oh yeah he’s fo sho gonna crash spectacularly and publicly like Jordan Peterson. You can’t have this much denial and atypical pathology going on without it eventually catching up.
Are we the first generation that won’t die?
we the first generation
someone tell his gen x ass he is in fact not a teenager and will die within the next couple decades, long before any pipe dream immortality tech would ever even be conceived as possible or not
I wish someone told him about HRT making you look 10 years younger. Could get some funny memes out of that.
I’m sure he’s doing a lil estrogen and blocking some androgen. He would be silly not to.
He’s on finasteride which kinda counts? Not really
I feel like Hesse from Seeking Derangements made this joke, too, lol
So, there are other geniuses out there who can see the meme potential? Interesting.
he might be alive, but he’s not living.
I miss the days where these rich bozos obbsessed with not dying just drank a bunch of mercury…
drinks litres of colloidal silver
“Oh, no, no. I’m not invulnerable yet. No, I’m afraid I just blue myself.”
“Oh mercy me, I keep forgetting I’m in the colonies”
'Tis named after the Roman God of Commerce, why would it not alleviate my maladies?
follow his lead
Ah yes lemme just go grab that extra 2 million a year I’m sitting on not doing anything with and join you
People that spend millions on not dying are the last people on earth that shouldn’t die.
Is obsessed with own “health”, taking ludicrous measures to try to live as long as possible
Gets long COVID anyway
he doesn’t even look young tho. he looks sickly if anything lmao.
He choose to look 49, or he can choose to look like a 28 year old lizard.
in most photos he looks 40 minimum. in a lot of photos he just looks like a 50 year old with surgery and/or on meth
middle aged dude with rich people schedule and diet, and marinated in a bathtub of moisturizer
yeah he looks old but with bad plastic surgery
He looks about as youthful as my ~40 year old ex boyfriend recovering meth addict. Which is still surprisingly youthful all things considered, but still, I think people are forgetting that not laboring in the sun all day or doing other back breaking labor accrues less visible wear and tear and so a lot of us look younger than previous generations.
I just saw this 10m ago and was also like wtf. Just the ‘free press’ washing the image of a literal vampire. Imagine the treatment if some Russian or Chinese billionaire did the same thing.
Their vampiric oligarchs our immortal heroes
Isn’t he just the new Ray Kurzwell or whatever his name was, at this point? Just someone so afraid of death because their culture is so nhilistic that they hope for eternal life through technology?
The western death taboo is so pathetic.
He’s more like aubrey de grey all he needs to do is be accused of sexual harassment and he will be there
Is there anything particularly wrong with eternal life through technology? What makes it nihilistic?
No one escapes the reaper
Except for me
I’m just different that way
Yeah my dead homie was built the same way.
Its going to be so funny when this guy just dies in a car crash or something and all this eternal life stuff is all for nothing