In The God Delusion, Dawkins describes people for whom the probability of the existence of God is between “very high” and “very low” as “agnostic” and reserves the term “strong atheist” for those who claim to know there is no God. He categorizes himself as a “de facto atheist” but not a “strong atheist” on this scale.
My comment was in the context of replying to
Also, funnily enough, it turns out that Dawkins does claim to be “near certain,” not “certain.” That was news to me, given his reputation!
That’s relevant because it just goes to put a finer point on just how fervent the belief needs to be to count as “strong atheism.”
I am a dumbass.
That’s okay; it happens to all of us (see my edit).
Hey, only for continuing to engage with an off the rails discussion. But your arguments are articulate and on point.