I qualified for financial help with one of those places that advertise on social media (Joyous, if you know it), and I’ve got enough to buy myself the first month of pills.

Curious as to if anyone has had experience with it. On paper it sounds like it would be great for me, but my ma is scared of it cause apparently there are horror stories going around in the news. Way I figure it, if it doesn’t help, at least I get drugs.

  • NaevaTheRat [she/her]@vegantheoryclub.org
    2 months ago

    A person I know and care for has severe lifelong depression. They did supervised ketamine infusions (~1 mg/kg body weight subcutaneous infusions). Initially weekly then less frequent I think fortnightly, then they ran out of money. It helped them significantly while they could afford it.

    I DIY the same protocol with pharmaceutically pure sterile solutions I prepare. Ketamine possibly has some bacteriacidal properties and subcutaneous injection is less risky but I would urge anyone without training to not do this without first consulting someone with the training or sourcing prepared IV solutions. Never IV ketamine as you stand a significant risk of losing cordination with a needle in you.

    I initially found monthly quelled nerve pain and helped with depression massively. Like turn-my-life-round with establishing stable routines massively. Now I get by with 3 monthly. I would probably not use it if I found I had to continue using it frequently due to the potential for side effects.

    I have not seen good evidence that daily low-dose protocols work well. Reviews seem to support ~0.5 - 1.5 mg/kg doses at varying frequencies. Nasal dosing requires concentrations that are hard to achieve in a racemic preparation, hence patented esketamine.