The gift is that the flags will be at half-staff for Inauguration Day. It’s not an actual gift, just a coincidental middle finger.
Thanks… It’s not an actual headline, just intentional clickbait.
It’s only fitting that our flag should fly at half mast on January 20th.
Staff… You put flags on staffs, masts are on ships…
Ahh… There is literally a city called Flagstaff…
Only in America. And only in the 20th century. A mast is a vertical pole or structure. A staff is a handheld pole. We still have radio masts and masts on top of cranes. Flags fly from masts on land all the time. A ship’s mast is called a mast because it’s a big vertical pole. Somebody in U.S. got confused by this and insisted that flags fly on staffs (staves) on land.
eta: In American English, a flag flown halfway up its flagpole as a symbol of mourning is at half-staff, and a flag flown halfway up a ship’s mast to signal mourning or distress is at half-mast. The distinction does not run deep, though, as the terms are often mixed up, especially in unofficial contexts.
Outside North America, half-staff is not a widely used term, and half-mast is used in reference to half-raised flags both on land and at sea. Half-mast is also preferred in Canada for both uses, though half-staff appears more frequently there than it does outside North America.
Emphasis added
As a Canadian, this is the first time I heard the term half-staff, while I’ve heard half-mast numerous times. So I believe it’s much more an American thing and not a North American thing.
Having worked with Americans (US) for many years I think it is more of a doubling down on being wrong and just committing to it out of sheer bloody mindedness. Like the “tabling” something nonsense.
Wait, there is a history to tabling I don’t know about? Do tell.
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I wish it were true, but Americanism have been creeping into our English for years. The Senate finally stepped in a few years ago to clarify this issue:
But you can still find documents where CBC was confused on the issue:
The other one that drives me nuts is the insistence that only physicians can use the honorific of “doctor”. It’s actually become part of the Globe and Mail’s style guide.
Thanks Dr Bob!
“Melania and I are thinking warmly of the Carter Family…" - no, you’re not. You’ve never thought of another person in your entire life.
Oh he’s thought of other people. Just with contempt or disdain. He’s the victim remember.
Whenever I see a word ending in -ly now, I think of a random start up company.
Warmly sounds like a heating company…
Lol, I’ve used a web service monitor platform called Wormly before.
I read that and thought, “JFC, he finally hired and let a competent person steer his social media content!?”
The likelihood that he even wrote that message is pretty slim. He’s got people to come up with statements.
Not warmly at least.
I’m sure there is much disdain for taking some of the limelight.
Donny is a “flag at half mast” kinda guy so this will be a fitting start to a limp 4 years.
The funny thing is most presidents wouldn’t be bothered by it, it’s an honorable thing to do, but we know it’s gonna bother trump, no matter how many times people tell him what honor is, it’s never gonna sink in. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised it he tries, or even succeeds, at getting them raised for his inauguration.
You can be sure that donvict will be a snowflake about it.
Better than even odds Trump ignores this on 1/20.
Watch Trump ignore this tradition.