Ur missing the point. The purpose of the law is to ensure that ur kids are ur kids not the states kids. Its about government interference in ur family.
They’re people, not property. If you’re afraid of your kid growing up to be anybody other than who you think they should be, then you’re a worthless coward.
LMFAO You wouldn’t know what irony was if it ate your face.
ITs RaElLy ImPoRtAnt tHaT I InVolvE tHe StaTE wItH mY ChIldS SeXualITy So ThE StaTE iS lEsS InVolVeD wITH mY ChILD
How could you possibly still believe this with it staring you right in the face and telling you what it truly is? You people are gullible fuckin turds.
That’s literally how being a parent has worked in a lot of people’s childhoods. How are you not aware of that? People are regularly imprisoned for literally beating children to death. Plenty of others just have the children taken away from them due to the physical abuse. Why do you think protective services for children exist in the first place?
Ur missing the point. The purpose of the law is to ensure that ur kids are ur kids not the states kids. Its about government interference in ur family.
“no you don’t understand! People need to suffer because muh big gubment!”
The australian government tried to reduce suffering by denying parental rights. It wasnt effective and didnt help.
‘Let me argue my point by bringing up something completely unrelated and pretending that it’s that same thing that we are arguing now’
This is you
What rights are you talking about here? The parent’s right to do what with their child in this situation?
They’re people, not property. If you’re afraid of your kid growing up to be anybody other than who you think they should be, then you’re a worthless coward.
LMFAO You wouldn’t know what irony was if it ate your face.
ITs RaElLy ImPoRtAnt tHaT I InVolvE tHe StaTE wItH mY ChIldS SeXualITy So ThE StaTE iS lEsS InVolVeD wITH mY ChILD
How could you possibly still believe this with it staring you right in the face and telling you what it truly is? You people are gullible fuckin turds.
They’re MY kids, and I’ll beat them if I WANT TO
Yeah thats how being a parent works.
That’s literally how being a parent has worked in a lot of people’s childhoods. How are you not aware of that? People are regularly imprisoned for literally beating children to death. Plenty of others just have the children taken away from them due to the physical abuse. Why do you think protective services for children exist in the first place?
That’s not at all what this is about.
Cool. I bet you support abortion rights too? It’s not the government’s place to tell someone what to do with their body, right?
Absolutly. To say anything else would be double think.