I myself am 100ish hours into AC Odyssey on the Steam Deck, looking forward to getting stabby on some malakas!
Where are my ToTK folks ?
70% completion. Going for Ganondorf fight today.
They’re all busy in Hyrule. Speaking of which…
Fallout 1 with a 1-Intelligence character. I’m, somehow, succeeding.
Have you tried FO2? I liked it better than the first.
I may have played it a time or two.
I enjoy the tone and tightness of the first game’s story much more. I enjoy the second game’s expanded mechanics and item variety. In terms of tone, really Fallout 2 really sets the course for the rest of the franchise. Fallout 1 ends up being this very strange outlier that never really got revisited by official games (there are some stand alone mods that capture it a lot more).
That is so much fun. Fallout 1 was one of those games that just blew my mind when it came out, and it’s still one of my favourites.
Diablo 4 pretty much nonstop since release. Really enjoying it so far.
The price tag is such a burden for me but my wife and I really truly enjoyed d3 and the a lot of arpgs, grimdawn, torchlight etc. Is it genuinely worth £120 for two copies?
I’m happy I’m a patient gamer, I’ll definitely buy it, but will not pay full price. My partner and I are both gamers, so it’d be way too expensive for us to get it right away.
Tears Of the Kingdom! Fully went in expecting to be disappointed, but it just continues to blow me away the deeper I get into it. Truly incredible what they were able to pull off with such old hardware.
My partner has been playing it and I’m shocked at what’s in that game. Really impressed as an onlooker
It’s honestly outstanding. When I realized how much content was in this game compared to BOTW my jaw hit the floor! I’ve been a life long Zelda fan so it makes me so happy to see the franchise getting renewed love and excitement around it.
Trying to finish my first full Darkest Dungeon run since starting in 2016. I never started the final DD level but completed everything else, but I feel I can’t start Darkest Dungeon II before completing the campaign in the first game.
That and probably some more Cities: Skylines 🙂
I really really wanted to like Darkest Dungeon, but either I really suck at it or there’s just too much grinding for me. I’ve gone through about 30 in-game weeks and haven’t really gotten anywhere.
It is a big grind, yes. If that’s not your cup of tea I don’t think you’ll ever grow fond of it. There’s also alot of randomness that at times feels very unfair. But for some reason, it appeals to me 🙂.
Part two is not as long, or so I read, but you still have to grind to unlock characters and skills, apparently.
Elden Ring, just got the game and I’m excited to keep exploring this open world dark souls
I never got into any of the souls games until Elden Ring, but I’m now working through it for like the fifth time. Truly one of the best games I’ve ever played.
Tears of the Kingdom, although I might take a break for No Man’s Sky
Eyyy same for NMS. I generally just like to run around and screen shot stuff
Is there new content for NMS or you are just enjoying it at the moment?
there’s a big content drop coming soon
There’s a new expedition out, although I’ve seen reports that it’s pretty buggy.
They’ve been putting out new content very frequently. And for free too. The dev seems really cool. The game has come a long way.
Diablo 4. Trying to get through the story as much as possible! Playing with my husband, been a blast so far!
No Man’s Sky has kind of been my go-to since it was released. Of course I’ll sit down and get into lots of other games, but if I’m playing nothing in particular - NMS.
Just a heads-up about the new expedition… it’s bugged out at one of the steps in the last phase right now, and you can’t progress to complete the expedition yet. Looks to be a community-related task, but it’s not displaying progress properly.
I think I heard something about that, yeah. Thanks for the heads up!
Tears of the kingdom!
It’s pretty awesome so far. Can’t wait to waste my weekend!
ahhh I’m loving this game so much, only managed to get 30hrs so far as I’m in the middle of exams but I just know I’ll have 200+ as soon as I finish haha
I picked up Hi-Fi Rush on sale about a week ago, blew through it once, and am now working on a second play through/new game plus. Super fun game. After putting it down after playing for a while I still feel like I’m doing things to a beat for a bit.
I like hifi rush alot, its a real sleeper and i like the vibe. If you are looking for more I really recommend bullets per minute. It’s a roguelike rhythm shooter with a really baller soundtrack. It’s less forgiving than hifi rush but when you get in the zone it can be really rewarding.
I love rhythm games but not normally a fan of action arcade. Hi Fi rush is something special though and I think everyone should give it a chance.
Factorio has been consuming my life (again) recently.
Have you made the terrible life-altering mistake of playing with Space Exploration? I’ve fallen into a bottomless pit of K2+SE
I fell into the SE pit a little while back. I really enjoyed it being such a long slog with long-term objectives, but then after a while it felt like I could play a few hours after work and get nowhere. If you want your Factorio game to feel like it’ll never end, and there always being something else to work towards, it definitely scratches that itch!
I just found Tim Cain’s YouTube channel, and realise I haven’t played the games from Troika. I’m considering getting Arcanum and playing that.
Just finished like the 5th play of arcanum (over many years) It’s really worth it!
Grab the unofficial patch, bug fixes and lets it work better on latest hardware
Awesome, I’ll look forward to it. And thanks, those kinds of patches are life savers on older games!
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Spider-Man: Miles Morales