Don’t buy in to incel myths. There are plenty of men who are not assholes and also married to incredibly beautiful women. Not even men who fit the mold of conventional attractiveness. Two notable examples:
Sometimes being a non-asshole who makes people laugh works quite well.
No because they’re the creepy/scary assholes that think they’re nice and that if they do a single nice thing for a woman they get sex and then blow up like an insane person at any woman that doesn’t.
Oh I get it. Genuinely nice guys who are shy and have trouble meeting women aren’t a thing, because memes have to be true and non-superficial thinking is boring. Check.
Sure, there are women that go for assholes. Doesn’t have anything to do with looks, it just that a certain % of population is attracted to assholiness.
I’m not a psychologist but there’s a theory I give some credence to, that since many men are too intimidated to approach extremely beautiful women, some of those women develop the feeling that there’s something wrong with them, leading them to get into relationships with assholes, and feeling like their choices are limited, allow themselves to be dominated and walked on.
Not sure if this message is that CEOs are actually nice or nice guys are actually assholes. Both seem like cogdiss.
“Nice guy” is code for asshole. I thought it was widely known
It is, except by those that it applies to.
That makes no sense at all. Assholes generally get the hottest gfs.
Don’t buy in to incel myths. There are plenty of men who are not assholes and also married to incredibly beautiful women. Not even men who fit the mold of conventional attractiveness. Two notable examples:
Sometimes being a non-asshole who makes people laugh works quite well.
“You had me at ‘hot pockets’”.
Yeah I know, I was just being sarcastic about meme-level thinking and “It’s not profiling when WE do it!”
No because they’re the creepy/scary assholes that think they’re nice and that if they do a single nice thing for a woman they get sex and then blow up like an insane person at any woman that doesn’t.
Oh I get it. Genuinely nice guys who are shy and have trouble meeting women aren’t a thing, because memes have to be true and non-superficial thinking is boring. Check.
Dude no one said that. It’s just those people aren’t the slang “nice guy” refers to.
Sure, there are women that go for assholes. Doesn’t have anything to do with looks, it just that a certain % of population is attracted to assholiness.
Well, it’s their problem
I’m not a psychologist but there’s a theory I give some credence to, that since many men are too intimidated to approach extremely beautiful women, some of those women develop the feeling that there’s something wrong with them, leading them to get into relationships with assholes, and feeling like their choices are limited, allow themselves to be dominated and walked on.
cogdiss? Typo?
I’m guessing they meant cognitive dissonance? Never seen this abbreviation though and probably wont be using it myself