This year, I’ll just drink some beers, and listen to '80s metal.
Monkey’s paw finger curls
You can’t just sit in the dark listening to classical music
George Michael shouldn’t have given away his heart. He needed a heart to live.
It’s funny cause Emilia Clarke plays the lead in a movie based on this song and this premise, more or less.
Man, I don’t know what it is, but I absolutely detest this song. There’s nothing objectively wrong with it, just some slightly schlocky 80s pop with a nice-enough “I will survive” kinda vibe to the lyrics. Not really my thing, but you do you, Whamaholics. Or at least, that’s how I think I should feel.
Something about the specific combination of arrangement, lyrics, particularly the lightly Christmasfied aspect to tie into giving away your heart, and George Michael’s falsetto, it just drives me up a fuckin’ wall. I genuinely prefer the Mariah Carey song, though it’s a close thing.
The original Wham song doesn’t bother me much, it’s the 20 covers that play all day at my job.
I hate all of the versions, the lyrics just grind on my nerves. Mistletoe Meltdown affects me the same way. I can’t objectively place the reason why they bother me so much, but I just can’t stand them.
Did you just ruin my whamageddon?
Given (in our house, anyway) cover songs don’t count, I’m going to make a ruling that as a derivative work, your Wham!-ageddon streak remains safe…for now
check this out guys :