The Novavax Covid vaccine offers an effective alternative to mRNA vaccines, with fewer side effects.
Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna shots, which commonly cause fatigue, fever, and headaches, Novavax is based on older vaccine technology and results in milder, shorter-lasting reactions.
mRNA vaccines dominated early due to rapid development, but Novavax offers comparable Covid prevention effectiveness, with studies suggesting longer-lasting antibody responses.
Despite these advantages, Novavax remains underutilized, largely due to timing and misconceptions about its efficacy. Experts encourage considering it as an equal option.
I’ve never had side effects from any vaccine except a little bit of soreness for a day and not dying from preventable diseases. I wonder how many antivaxxers are really just afraid of shots and refuse to admit it.
I had to take a day off for my boosters. The second one has me curled up into a ball shivering for 6 hours. Still better than permanent lung and memory damage
The most recent one I got absolutely floored me, but I got it at the same time as the regular winter flu shot and I also have to take a whole bunch of immunosuppressants so it was basically the worst possible scenario. Still, well worth it to not get covid. I’ll take a couple of days of feeling sorry for myself over a hospital stay and potential death any day
110% the combo fluvid shot put me on the ground for a minute.
My dumb ass is excited to get it again because it’s still SO MUCH better being a little sore for a couple days rather than being sick as death for 2 weeks
I got the fluvid shots yesterday because I needed to quit putting them off. I’m usually in for a rough couple of days even with just the flu shot, but apart from my arm being really sore I’m pretty much fine today.
I got a COVID and flu shot the same day a few years ago and felt super sick for about 48 hours. Like I actually had the flu. I staggered them for a while, but I decided to do it again this year and it wasn’t an issue. 🤷♂️
one of the 4 times I’ve been vaccinated I got mildly sick for a day but you have to be kind of pussy to let that stop you
I got an 8 day migraine after the second COVID shot. Nothing with the first and never anything from the flu shot. Nothing from COVID booster after that but this year I got the flu & COVID booster together, never doing that again, 4 day migraine.
I had the mRNA vaccine and every booster. Every time the next day I had a fever of like 102 to 103, and massive soreness and fatigue. I always dreaded but always got the shot (on Fridays to avoid screening over with). Figured it was worth the trouble for limiting it to a single day with no respiratory involvement.
My dad also had a similar reaction. No one else I knew had even a mild inconvenience. Some of us just have very very aggressive immune systems with the mRNA I suppose.
Because of this, the last time I got a shot I went with this novavax thing. The pharmacy didn’t even offer it as a choice online but had some text telling you to verbally request it if you want it.
So I went with it and had a more normal vaccine reaction, no big deal.
I think I read the efficacy was maybe a little lower, but still pretty effective.
My dad had stopped getting the vaccine because it was so bad, so this is good news for the few of us that have bad reactions, and we do exist.
Damn, that sucks but it still sounds less bad than actually getting sick. Hopefully this new booster makes it better for you guys.