Does anyone else go looking on amazon because they used to have loads of stuff, but now there’s just a few things over and over and over and they’re not quite what you wanted. It’s so full of promoted content and you keep thinking that somewhere on one of the pages there might be something new, but no, it’s these same products again and again.
Haha, tbh it stemmed from a mild fascination with the true range of utter crap and oddly specific items that are available on Ali. Mostly it went the other way (finding stuff on Amazon/Etsy that I’d seen on Ali and being a bit nonplussed with the price on the other platforms).
Interesting. That may be cheaper for you, but once I convert currencies and count shipping, that item costs a little over $1 more from Ali. And then the shipping is likely going to take 1-2 months. For me, it’s cheaper and faster to order that item from Amazon.
Interesting, might be very regional, it’s about a 75% saving for me, choice shipping typically takes about 7-10 days, it’s free if you spend more than £8 (not sure of that’s regional too though)
I guess it still pays to shop around
Amen to that!