• Phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    I don’t really think it’s a conspiracy of sorts, it’s just news media being news media. They want the most clicks, doesn’t matter much what for or what the consequences are. it’s the same reason why trump yet again got so extremely much news coverage. Had news organizations all decided not to waste their time with trump, we wouldn’t have his presidency now. In reality though, everyone and their mother had to talk about trump, it was trump before and after and now we have yet again to deal with this fuck face for a other 4 years. I know that news media aren’t the only ones to blame, theyight now even be the worst, but he’ll do they have a large share of the blame for all the shit that had been happening lately, and it’s all about the clicks, it’s all about the money

    • ChogChog@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Like you mentioned, it’s the biased part of the business which wrestles with journalistic integrity.

      ie. Return on Investment, special access or limited access compared to your competitors depending how your piece is written.

      It’s not entirely surprising when journalistic integrity is at odds with the finances that fund said journalism, but it most certainly can be disappointing.

      • Phoenixz@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        I think governments should fund multiple independent foundations that can fund news organizations and journalists. This way, news can focus on just that: actual news. If the organizations are 100% independent, then so can be the news organizations. It might need some tweaking here and there but anything is better than what we have now

        • ChogChog@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Totally agree. Unfortunately it’ll still be attacked as “government funded media” like NPR gets even though from my understanding what you’re describing sounds more international. And I’m sure there will always be pressure from countries demanding veto power or they’ll cut their funding similar to the issues the UN has, but we can’t let searching for the best solution keep us from implementing one that’s better than what we have now.