What exactly did I say that was racist initially? All “races” have genetic defects. The average number of genetic defects is 7 and race doesn’t even exactly exist in science because it’s mostly a social construct. They are things like “intolerant to gluten” or “more susceptible to certain cancers” and they don’t have an agenda. I hate anti-wokism, but calling me racist for my initial post is bat-shit ignorant. (Calling me racist slut for my second post, however… well… you got me there.)
Racists use genetic defects to imply superiority. That’s why I asked. I got my reply, extreme anger. I’m satisfied there with that response like I said, it says much more than just saying it out loud
On a side note, I’m actually impressed by the number of posts of yours that have been removed by mods and your knowledge of machine learning. Are YOU impressed by the vast vast unquantifiable unidentifiable number of dicks I’ve sucked?
One? lol, no way… I stopped counting after it got into the double digits, but it’s a lot. I used to say I had sucked fewer than 20 dicks, now I say it’s less than an infinite number of dicks.
Also you are also misinterpreting my post as anger… but really my response was sexual arousal because I have a fetish for morons.
It seems like you are angry that I thought you were a racist when you said racist things. That’s significant evidence and I don’t regret it
What exactly did I say that was racist initially? All “races” have genetic defects. The average number of genetic defects is 7 and race doesn’t even exactly exist in science because it’s mostly a social construct. They are things like “intolerant to gluten” or “more susceptible to certain cancers” and they don’t have an agenda. I hate anti-wokism, but calling me racist for my initial post is bat-shit ignorant. (Calling me racist slut for my second post, however… well… you got me there.)
Racists use genetic defects to imply superiority. That’s why I asked. I got my reply, extreme anger. I’m satisfied there with that response like I said, it says much more than just saying it out loud
On a side note, I’m actually impressed by the number of posts of yours that have been removed by mods and your knowledge of machine learning. Are YOU impressed by the vast vast unquantifiable unidentifiable number of dicks I’ve sucked?
One? lol, no way… I stopped counting after it got into the double digits, but it’s a lot. I used to say I had sucked fewer than 20 dicks, now I say it’s less than an infinite number of dicks.
Also you are also misinterpreting my post as anger… but really my response was sexual arousal because I have a fetish for morons.
Yes, it happened once, but soon you will learn to count as a secondary mastery
riddle me this, ye illitirate one, how can i even be racist given the number of dicks I’ve sucked? it’s impossible.
I’ll prove to you how not racist and experienced I am with sucking dicks… if you’ll let me…
Congratulations on the edgy sense of humor
I hear that a lot when my mouth is full of dicks.
Why would they say that when their dick(s) are in you?
You are baiting the commenter, them making shit up to fit into you idiotic world views.
Pathetic behavior tbh
Thx, u2