• 2ugly2live@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I guess the idea that some people are fat for reasons outside of their control? When it comes to fat people, people don’t like to hear “excuses,” regardless if it’s “I don’t have enough time to work out” or “my body is unable to do xyz effeciently and causes weight gain.” Fat is seen as a character flaw. And because for a lot of people, it is a simple “calorie in vs calorie out,” the idea of it not working for someone is seen as a failure of character. So this “belief” is making it easier for… Fat people to be fat I guess.

    Weird that this didn’t trigger concerns of anorexics latching onto this study validating their belief that they can’t eat/eat certain foods because their body absorbs more than others. But, like they say, you can never be too rich or too thin. 👍🏾