EDIT: Another interpretation of the statement suggests they take responsibility for the event by proxy of deterring said aircraft which was then targeted by friendly air defences.
EDIT II: Prev. statements by Houthis suggest they had formulated new tactics to tail fighter craft with drones/missiles a while back so probably more likely that had something to do with it.
Ansarollah have historically followed up with evidence of such claims against UAE/Saudi aircraft of the same generation. They definitely have the capability, but no hard evidence yet.
I can’t tell if it’s funnier for the Great Satan to shoot down its own jets or to claim they did to steal credit from Ansar Allah.
Big “You can’t fire me, I quit!” energy from
the synthesis is even funnier, that the Houthis successfully goaded the Americans into shooting down their own aircraft using the 5D chess tactic of flying their drones really close to planes making a landing approach.
They’re officially known as Ansar Allah. Hard agree on the 5D chess story being funnier. Ansar Allah used drone swarm. USA is confused. USA used anti-air missile. USA hurt itself in confusion.
this is the first time I’ve seen a whole website as an embed
i don’t know but it rocks
what kind of dark magicks are at work here?
and I thought I was good at markdown. daaaymn
I don’t like this at all. Incredibly dangerous. From someone linking an attack-page with javascript and a zero-day that means one doesn’t even have to leave the (presumably safe) site to get hit to someone trying an IP-scraper meaning you just have to visit/expand the post for your IP to be collected. This is a security nightmare. I’m not against click to play embedded videos or media where you can click to load but this is not good. Just scrape the website for text to create a locally hosted snippet or something. At least make it click to open.
At the very, very least run it off an allow-list though even then some of us may not like our computers unexpectedly accessing certain resources. I know some users in Europe could get in trouble if for example it was an RT page and I’d imagine some of the news sources around here (not this one but others) that people link definitely move one up the empire’s automated threat radar merely by accessing them and that should be a consensual and conscious choice not something that happens because you open a comment thread.
🇾🇪 🫡!!!
The Houthi’s are about to find out why we don’t have healthcare, any day now!
Ironically what enabled this was the joint US-UK bombing raid on Sa’ana and Hodeidah port, intended to punish them for a ballistic missile strike on Tel Aviv earlier in the week.
How embarassing for the Empire.
I wonder how many of these sorts of events at the periphery by impoverished peoples it will take to crack the image of the American military here at at home, as some elite, all powerful fighting force with supreme talent and technology… and not a big pile of expensive bullshit that mostly just redirects public funds into industry shareholders as palm grease, graft and jobbery.
lots of money is spent at home to deliver cultural products everywhere one night gaze to reinforce the myths, so it’s going to take a lot but it seems inevitable.
Nothing short of an aircraft carrier going down
I guess if four of them go down in a single day, we would been in a midway to US Navy image shattering.
When you’re an empire that has been at war for most of a century the different conflicts become more or less amalgamated. With that, every small loss is actually compounded with every loss from years past in a way that no other military has to contend with.
The same thing also serves as a benefit, as every military victory can be endlessly propagandised and lionised to your civilian base. Meanwhile, the military is aware of the realities and becomes more and more passive (or indirect, for lack of better words) with its actions to avoid the compounding effect of military losses.
I can’t tell which is funnier
Shame we’ll never find out because forced friendly firing an aircraft would be such a windmill slamdunk of embarassment for the USAF that they’d never admit it
Uhh. They already did tho. Right?
they have said it’s friendly fire but not anything along the lines of “they fooled us using a drone to tail our fighter and we blew up our fighter jet”
as far as I can overlook the situation the official position is “whoops!”
Fourth, the USS Harry S. Truman, after being subjected to multiple attacks from the missile force, naval forces, and air force, withdrew from its previous location in the Red Sea towards the northern waters.
More impressive is they made a carrier retreat.
The fact they lost a single plane is beyond the level of acceptable losses for the Americans. Vietnam syndrome has utterly shattered the resolve of the average American warship to the point where I’m not surprised they’re retreating at the tiniest amount of resistance.
Kissinger ironically was very very correct when he said:
The conventional army loses if it does not win. The guerrilla wins if he does not lose.
And in the red sea, the conventional navy is NOT winning.
I’m sorry, but no. The US has lost planes before and even more helicopters in the post-USSR era. The F-18 loss can and already has been written off. The only time the loss of an aircraft has deterred the US was Mogadishu and there’s a lot more on the line now.
If Ansarallah had gotten one of the (allegedly) stealth F-22 or F-35 that would be a massive embarrassment but even then I don’t think the US would back down. Its likely that they are deliberately not flying any of those newer aircraft near Yemen for that reason.
On the otherhand, no one has attacked a US aircraft carrier since WWII (afaik) and the only post-USSR attack on a ship is the Cole which was in harbor. The US is extremely proud of their surface fleet especially their carriers. Proving that “5 acres of sovereign US soil” can be forced to retreat is a huge win.
Houthis stay winning. I love those guys like you wouldn’t believe.
Meanwhile, Sanaa’s Information Minister Hashem Sharaf al-Din commented on the aggression saying that Washington has clearly “learned from [past] mistakes,” adding that the US will continue to be “humiliated” by Yemenis.
Good, thank you. Doing great work.