When one of the first things you mention about him is “$280B of revenue” as though that’s a good thing in the context of health insurance, yeah, fuck you.
That much revenue isn’t, by itself, the bad part. Revenue is just how much you take in from your sales. If they had minimal overhead and paid the majority of that out to claims, that would be fine (in the context of our existing healthcare system). The problem is the profit, how much of that $280B goes into the company’s pockets instead of claim payouts.
So why mention the revenue figure?
Because they are trying to paint him as a productive member of society. Revenue is still the measure of how much business you do.
Ah yes, I forgot that a person’s value is measured only by how much revenue they produce.
They didn’t claim that though? They went on to talk about other factors too. The point of mentioning revenue was to portray him as “the American Dream”, going from a small town to leading a maybe company.
Keep in mind I’m not defending the guy, but I don’t see the point in being purposely obtuse
How much revenue have you produced?
Produced? Hard to say. Apples to apples would be managed/administrated, that’s probably in the neighborhood of $5-10 million. Why?
He wanted to write that UHC saved X lives during his tenure, but he didn’t want to write something probably wrong, so he went with this instead.
They forgot to mention that his wife and he separated in 2018, keeping it secret for years. It was revealed after his death.
Not that I think there’s anything bad about being separated/divorced, but it’d be a lie to paint him as a family man.
I guess his criminal record for drunk driving also doesn’t fit the narrative.
This example shows how media is your enemy…
They spin the facta for the owner class, every single time
And it works too. Well until this dead piece of shit… Something changed hopefully
Your point is valid, but I wouldn’t really place this guy in “the media.” He’s CFO of some investment firm. Just another C-suite executive trying to calm the rowdy peasants from atop his gilded throne, hoping to keep his head on his shoulders.
You are correct, that’s a fair nuance to point out.
I guess shilling for the owner class ain’t just a media job. They all do it esp if they think they are part of the club.
Someone else also pointed out there is exactly one photo being passed around of Brian Thompson. You would think they would find more family oriented photos to push the narrative
Omg💀 That’s a great point
Meanwhile there’s at least one new ridiculously photogenic pic of luigi coming out every day
Like this one?
They also made sure to mention that his kids go to public schools. And they’ve never missed a meal or any health care or been cold or hungry or anything. What difference?
Luigi went to elite private schools all his life bro…
DUHH, why are these peasants siding with the elite?!
That’s an interesting date considering we learned about the drunk driving arrest in 2017 recently. Seems like she probably went through a tough time before she finally was able to get a separation.
Lucky her… she didn’t have to suffer this man for 6 years AND she gets fucking Hella paid. I bet she is partying every fuckin day
Not that I think there’s anything bad about being separated/divorced, but it’d be a lie to paint him as a family man.
I’d urge you to reconsider this. Seperating from your partner does not invalidate you from being a ‘family man’ or a good parent. My parents divorced when I was a young age, and both of them remain committed to being attentive and involved parents (and grandparents).
Make this picture a post and I’ll upvote it! (I don’t want to steal and post it myself, but might if no one else does)
i already took it from someone elses post
Stolen? You can’t steal our memes comrades.
It’s your turn to repost it beginning of January.
Now why can’t they use this image every time they report on his death?
You should update his wiki with this information
Oh! Oh! Do Hitler next! Talk about how he served his country in war, how he was a painter and a successful politician and then leave out the “other details” about him.
Born to humble means. His father, a selfless civil servant. His mother, a simple homemaker. They were probably really proud when he was appointed Verbindungsmann of an Aufklärungskommando of the Reichswehr.
This is gold
That is fantastic
Motherfucking Foamy, my boy ❤️
I love how “overseeing $280B of revenue” is supposed to be some indicator of the guy’s goodness. “Wealth = virtue” indeed.
Yeah that shit was top of the list not his everyman background or happy family. Shows where this asshole’s priorities lie.
not his everyman background or happy family
He’s going through a divorce and his kids hated him. But this isn’t unusual for the “everyman” who climbs over a hill of his neighbors’ corpses to get that brass ring.
Once you’ve gone from pleb to president, you feel entitled to certain things that only a visit to Little Saint James can provide.
tl;dr: The beginnings justify the ends. If you’re a teenager thinking about becoming a murderer or rapist later in life, consider learning the trombone.
I learned the cello what can I do?
Serenade the flames
The Jaws music
Take the strings off and play Hitman.
I don’t know but if you tried to learn to paint you could lead the country instead of a puny company.
By the same logic, let me introduce you to the story of a young man rising from a failed Austrian artist to a national hero…
He also had a very nice dog! No monster would ever have a nice dog!
A vegetarian, jailed for his beliefs
This represents everything that should be right and good in America. Maybe some day. Maybe next life.
Fuck him even more then. Since he comes from humble beginnings he should know what it’s like not being rich, but he just decided to be a greedy asshole.
Anyone who comes from humble beginnings should understand the struggle of the common man, and have empathy.
If you come from humble beginnings and then work your way up into a position of tremendous power, and then think “I’ve made my fortune now, so fuck the poors” then that’s EVEN WORSE, not better!
American Dream!
world’s most important companies
That’s hilariously American defaultism considering most of the world doesn’t need companies like UHC
I wonder what their market share is in England or Japan.
What do you expect from a CFO of mergers and acquisitions? They’re more inhuman than healthcare execs, if that’s possible, since their entire job is to buy companies and fire people, thus leaving them completely without insurance.
There’s a reason Patrick Bateman worked in
murders and executionsmergers and acquisitions.According to his business card Patrick Bateman worked in “Mergers and aquisitions.”
I didn’t have any sympathy for him until I found out he played basketball and the trombone.
This changes everything.
Mussolini interned at a bakery one summer and attempted to learn the harmonica, you judgemental monsters…
Hitler liked animals and hated smoking. Like mussolini, and this ceo, that doesn’t make them good
And was vegetarian and a talented painter.
But that’s not at all what he’s known for is it?
All those things are moot when you are responsible for the suffering and deaths of others.
Hitler loved animals.
Your point?
The worst people in the world are still people. Doesn’t mean we have to excuse their evil.
Hitler’s picture in the media if he died today:
Yes, “The American Dream” aka, fucking over your fellow common man for a buck.
Is capitalism something different? These two things look the same to me.
Correct, America and Capitalism are both evil and deserve to be abolished.