This is like an eighth of the total amount she made, a serious reduction from last year. All vegan. Not pictured are the self-made caramel bonbons which are the perfect mix of chewy but melts in your mouth.
They’re so pretty.
Man, now I want a cookie
Your wife is awesome!
She really is!
So you gonna invite us over for cookies or what??
Seriously, though, those look amazing!!
Oh absolutely we are giving most away, it’s just way too much
Those look very nice. Wish I could try one. Kudos to your wife!
Wish I could too… I got some of the failed experiments to tide me over until christmas
Oh my god
Can… and I understand if not… can you get me the recipe for those bonbons?
I cannot get my caramels right and it’s awful.
Vanillekipferl for the win!
incredible assortment. i can make a few treats really well, but that’s it. like choc chip cookies that are terrifyingly moist (high brown sugar fraction or dark maple syrup with the invert sugar). maybe a peanut butter cookie that is more like a variation on the previous theme. kinda blown away how much is going on here. if i was grazing this box, i would zero in on the left middle compartment… that thing that seems like a baby choc donut with a chocolate center. i don’t know what it is, but i would launch a full investigation.
last week somebody brought these homemade mini chipped, mini choc chip cookies to a work meeting. they said they were “orange flavored” which made me furrow my brow, because what does that even mean. what it meant was they were like borderline lemon bar like citrusy, but with little choc chips and cookie textured. which sounds absurd, but the flavor combination was a masterstroke.
reminds me i gotta get the recipe. i think it must have had like orange zest or something going on.
Those are my favourites, they’re chocolate-coffee cookies, she mixes espresso-mix into the chocolate before pouring it in. They’re decorated with little chocolate-coffee coffee beans, which are store bought.
upper left are the orange flavored cookies but with small cranberries I believe. Their failed versions were chocolate chip but I think she decided to go for cranberries after. I think I can get you the recipe
give me one of the crescent almond cookies please
Omg i wanna make something like this
These cookies are cute 😍