Haven’t seen Youtube tabs crash like this in like 6 years, now it’s happening several times a day. The Youtube UI is also painfully laggy- when you hover over a video it takes like 3-5 seconds for the player to show up and equally as long when I try to pause the video or change settings. When I open the Youtube front page it just shows a blank dark background for a long while before anything loads. Sometimes Youtube tabs get stuck loading, showing only the video with no UI, no way to pause, no comments or recommended videos and the only way to fix it is to open the page in a new tab. It also sometimes seems like a fucked Youtube tab drags the whole browser down, making any websites load endlessly until I close my Youtube tabs.

It’s been like this for a few weeks? months? now, but it’s steadily getting worse. I assume it might be Youtube fucking with either uBlock users, or Firefox users, or both

  • pinguinu [any]@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Same, but it comes and goes for me and it doesn’t crash, it just doesn’t load. I have to refresh the page to actually load the video and even then I can only see the first minute. I have a yt account mostly for making comments, giving likes and making public playlists but it’s kinda over. I’d prefer to have something like Audiotube or some other free software client

    • Muehe@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      even then I can only see the first minute

      This has started to happen to me recently but only as long as I have scripts from the jnn-pa.gogleapis.com domain blocked. If I allow that one videos load beyond the first minute. This also seems to only happen randomly. Might be related to new uploads, but not sure about that.

      • pinguinu [any]@lemmygrad.ml
        3 months ago

        Hmm I’ll check it out, thanks. Must be a new domain because it’s only happened since last week. Another weird thing that’s happened is InnerTune is unable to fetch music even when logged on. Ffs just when I thought it couldn’t worse