By me? I must be forgetting something but no? My block list is like three users long, almost all federated dweebs. I wouldn’t be able to see your post…
I mean, hard times with relationship dynamics and bad personal experiences are both fair enough, it just tends to send my eyebrows up, I’ve seen too many “poly people are only in it for the sex!” things regress to borderline reactionary takes. Even aside that it’s not my favourite bias, but oh well I suppose, y’know.
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By me?
I must be forgetting something but no? My block list is like three users long, almost all federated dweebs. I wouldn’t be able to see your post…
I mean, hard times with relationship dynamics and bad personal experiences are both fair enough, it just tends to send my eyebrows up, I’ve seen too many “poly people are only in it for the sex!” things regress to borderline reactionary takes. Even aside that it’s not my favourite bias, but oh well I suppose, y’know.