Financial experts predicted Jeff Bezos’s move to Florida would pay off handsomely—and they were right. So far, the Amazon founder’s tax savings have been astronomical, worth an estimated $1 billion this year alone.
Financial experts predicted Jeff Bezos’s move to Florida would pay off handsomely—and they were right. So far, the Amazon founder’s tax savings have been astronomical, worth an estimated $1 billion this year alone.
I didn’t mention politics. Most places are purple, and most people behave themselves in public.
When I was in high school my area got hit with five major hurricanes in a row. That was twenty years ago, and the state still continues to make decisions like climate change is a desirable thing. Outside of everything else, I don’t want the yearly stress of property damage
Why even bother making that comment? People should be free to be themselves, and that attitude is part of why LGBT people are afraid. If you bothered to look through my comment history, and you definitely did not with all those assumptions, you would see that I am disabled and queer. Those two aspects of myself are politically targeted. If they cut VA benefits like Musk has threatened, I will go back to being homeless, and one of those people you pretend don’t exist.
The real kicker is that I grew up upper middle class probably in a similar community that your friends are in. I know exactly how welcome I would be.
I used to live in Texas in the 90’s and in my experience people weren’t usually that shallow. They could often genuinely like someone they knew personally even if they voted against the interests of the group that person was a member of. I was an atheist with a strong foreign accent but I only ever experienced friendly curiosity. The caveat to that is that I did live in a nice suburb.
Texas isn’t Florida and also maybe things are different now. 2024 Republicans aren’t 1996 Republicans.
That’s a good point. My friends’ house is a concrete bunker with tiny windows, but they still worry about having their roof ripped off and insurance is very expensive.
I made that comment because I had expected my friend to be uncomfortable in Florida since he isn’t white. He was often uncomfortable living in a more liberal but very racially homogeneous state because people would stare. I was surprised when he said that he was fine, and his comment about class signifiers being more important than race was new information to me.
I didn’t make any normative statements about how LGBT people ought to be treated. I just meant that I would think twice about moving to Florida (except to a big city) if I were an LGBT person myself.
That would be quite time-consuming if I did it every time I wanted to ask someone a question, and it usually wouldn’t answer my question. Also I think it would be a little creepy.