• Maalus@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Holy fuck I forgot the best part of the Johann story. My dad devoutly learned German, probably because of the connection with his mum (he loved her very much, he promised her he wouldn’t sell the house they lived in, and even in his old age he goes there to groundskeep, restore the house and he’ll be doing this till he cannot anymore he said). I’d say he was about as “germanpilled” as possible - also seeing how well his brother did in West Germany. So he thought he’ll get us all german citizenship. We didn’t mind, it’s in our blood, grandma was German after all, and double citizenship is a thing. So he went through the entire process, getting us all citizenship. We had to go to the embassy, pics in hand, show up with the entire family, give fingerprints n’shit. About a year later, we get six letters from the embassy. All of them the same, all addressed to a different person in the family. We check them out, we all got the citizenship, yay! Except the dad looks like he saw a ghost. Then he starts laughing like crazy. We ask him what’s up - turns out his was rejected. Because he was too close in relation to someone who “betrayer the german state and deserted the army”. We were like “wtf, who???”. Turns out, the german state was the 3rd reich, and the army was wehrmacht, when grandpa Johann joined the allies lmao. So now the only person who really wanted the citizenship didn’t get it, because grandpa was a traitor to Hitler