Right. Which is a fundamental reason why the government should not be trusted to act in the best interest of the people. There must be checks and balances, and they must be held accountable and be forced to do their duty. The USA had a great run of this, but over the last 4 decades politicians have changed the lay of the land to benefit themselves and their donors more and more, and the people haven’t the gumption, will, or faculties to challenge them and hold them to account. Politicians have also realized that much of our system relied upon integrity, or the assumption that the individual would follow the system, with very little to no consequences if they just do whatever they want.
I’m no historian, but I see the cycle of [Brave New World -> Decline -> Corruption -> Oppression -> Revolution -> Brave New World] as a fairly common pattern, with timescales from decades to centuries. It might be cognitive bias, but it seems kind of inevitable, really.
Right. Which is a fundamental reason why the government should not be trusted to act in the best interest of the people. There must be checks and balances, and they must be held accountable and be forced to do their duty. The USA had a great run of this, but over the last 4 decades politicians have changed the lay of the land to benefit themselves and their donors more and more, and the people haven’t the gumption, will, or faculties to challenge them and hold them to account. Politicians have also realized that much of our system relied upon integrity, or the assumption that the individual would follow the system, with very little to no consequences if they just do whatever they want.
I’m no historian, but I see the cycle of [Brave New World -> Decline -> Corruption -> Oppression -> Revolution -> Brave New World] as a fairly common pattern, with timescales from decades to centuries. It might be cognitive bias, but it seems kind of inevitable, really.
Scandinavia seems like a good place to live ATM.