I misread this as “Portland” and didn’t immediately think it was weird at first. Oh no that’s very different.
When asked for comment, the driver of the vehicle responded, “I’m gonna get that summbitch if it’s the last thing I eva’ do.”
Thank you, I got that reference.
You sound a lot taller on the radio.
Did the driver also happen to be a French police man chasing a man who stole a loaf of bread?
Sheriff Buford T. Javert
Eeaaassstttt bound and dowwnnn
They broke my watch.
We first caught wind of this, I mean, years back and turns out to be several hobbyists in Europe that like to collect American cars and repaint them, refinish them with police and law enforcement style finishes on there," Gandhi said. “And, luckily, we’ve become pretty popular in a few countries.”
Everyone needs a hobby.
TIL Gandhi is still alive and commenting on polish car collectors.
Alex Roy’s cannonball run M5 is painted like a German police car. Plenty of Americans accidentally leave misc cop equipment on their retired crown vics to cos play as police. The irony is only a small amount of the remaining population is scared of crown vics - under 30s may have never seen them used and a ton of people straight up don’t spot cop cars. I can’t say I see early as many retired chargers/impalas/caprices/tahoes/explorers/tauruses let alone with old equipment.
I grew up with Crown Vics as the standard cop car, but now it’s been so long since they’ve been in use that when I see them, I just imagine it’s a poor person who couldn’t afford a newer car.
They still get me though I’m not particularly old - the last gen vic takes me to my teen years. Those headlights and huge inner markers are nearly unmistakable in the rear view. Sometimes it’s a Jetta but both of those generations have fallen off.
Counterpoint: Not everyone needs a hobby wtf no ew.
People who don’t have hobbies are usually miserable. Its healthy to have hobbies.
Yes, but not like that D:
Art cars are still art, man
And the Sheriffs office not being dicks about it is a refreshing change of pace.
What can they do about it? They know their jurisdiction doesn’t extend to Europe. May as well have some fun with it.
Just because they can’t do anything to stop it doesn’t mean they can’t get all huffy about it. That is what I’d expect out of a lot of agencies, tbh.
Wait… Poland is EU, the blinker has to be yellow not red. This car isn’t street legal, and not because it looks like a police car.
It’s not the same in the whole EU. In mine you can have red as the back turn signals, just not in front.
Lol, it’s Poland. You can drive whatever you want there and modify your car in any moronic way you want and the police still wont bother you
First those aren’t UK plates but PL plates for “Classic Cars”. Owner somehow managed to register that car as cultural heritage obejct, and as such is allowed to keep red blinkers.
My bet would be that this is a collector, who bought actual police car in US, and restored its appearance as it was used in US police
It has UK plates
Huh, I never would have imagined that. What a quirky hobby. How fun!
Wait until you hear about the Chinese police fans who do up their cars to look like People’s Police vehicles and drive them around cities in Europe and North America with large Chinese expatriate populations, apparently just for fun.
Right? How fun! That guy has a nazi armband! So cool!
Are you calling Chinese police similar to Nazis….? I’ve never had a bad interaction with one and they’re certainly not fascists
That’s a fairly complex topic. The big take away is that the Chinese government isn’t exactly loved by a lot of people.
A lot of westerners, sure. The vast majority of Chinese would disagree since they’re 1-2 generations away from poverty. Depending on the city most grandparents have zero education, parent may have gone to middle school, then current gen has shot for the stars. Chinese government can be unfair, but no one can argue they didn’t make everyone’s lives materially better
everyone’s lives materially better
Yes, I’m sure the Uyghurs and political dissidents agree wholeheartedly with you.
I think you need to look up the word material.
It’s a joke. Look at the username.
It’s fine if you don’t know history.
lol bro do not start with that shit on a 5d account and a clearly biased comment history.
I’ve never had a bad interaction with one
Presumably you’ve never disagreed with the CCP in a public way.
Not to just play whataboutism but wearing masks to protests against a genociding nation just got banned in some states of the land of the free. Sadly, not being allowed to criticize is on the rise everywhere…
There are many ways of allowed criticism of the CCP. A certain degree of self censorship is applied no matter where one lives. But yes that is certainly one large negative of Chinese political rule!
Because you’re just a white American troll who likes to pretend they’re from the East.
Judging by our interaction on another thread where you tried to explain Chinese culture to an ethnically Chinese person… And then accuse them of not being Chinese enough because they live in America… I’m guessing you aren’t exactly an expert.
Brave of you to delete all those after I called you out.
Kindly fuck off, Comrade.
Found the liberal who can’t read history…
I just hate tankies.
This is what happens when you don’t pay your tickets kids, the sheriff hunts you down
Why Sacramento though? I would have thought LA county, or Yolo county.
My first guess is that they probably Google what the capital of California is since California is “cool,” and instead of Los Angeles they get Sacramento.
Yeah very weird. They mention LAPD and NYPD being popular, which makes sense, but I don’t know how they got set on Sacramento. Maybe the image resources were just easy accessible online so it was easy?
Cheaper to license
I don’t think these are licensed.
Just recently I saw a Ford Crown Vic in full police attire on the Autobahn. Really weird, not even cool, just weird.
He said a private owner likely bought stickers or decals that match the Sacramento County sheriff’s logo.
Collectors are not able to purchase vehicles with decals already on them at auction, Gandhi said, as county vehicles are sold without any logo.
So is the company auctioning off the car able to have a table just outside the auction that sells these stickers?