For all intents and purpose, I am neurotypical. Now, listen as I rant about how The End Of Evangelion makes perfect sense when considered as a mirror of the first episode, and the hospital scene has the reverse role as the strainer scene, making it completely logical and effecient in conveying th-
Nowadays, it’s usually diabetes or cancer.
What about rickettsia, then?
Or how about stealth covid, never any of the full-blown symptoms, never came out positive on any test, but something somewhere along the way subtly flipped and now things ain’t the way they used to be, these damn kids nowadays with their Ohio and skibidi and GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
it’s probably dropsy
Plot twist: it’s NPD
NPDs are always perfect and there’s never anything wrong. Unless they can play the martyr card.
I have feelings about the state of the world but corporations tell me that caring for things other than their products is wrong.
Diagnosis: empathy.
Their response: