damn, I just wanted a diablo fix.
It’s silly and sad that Diablo even requires a Battle.net connection 😞
This is why Diablo 4 sucks. It’s made by Blizzard.
Buy and play Last Epoch instead. You have the option to play completely offline. Or play with Online Characters too. It’s what Modern Diablo should be.
Tu for the rec. I’ll check it out
Looks interesting, I’ll give it a try later on! I generally don’t like to go for early access games, but these days it feels like just about every major game is for all intents and purposes, “early access” without the title…
It’s already basically “released” they just added Multiplayer.
While the primary motivation for it is definitely cynical, I am quite enjoying the MMO-lite aspects of the game. Running into strangers in the wild and doing activities together feels better in Diablo than it did in Destiny.
Edit: it would be pretty sick if they had an offline-only “realm.” D3 on switch was great for long flights and other places without steady internet. D4 is probably unplayable in air.
Agreed. I understand people’s complaints, but I really enjoy the destiny style mmo-lite model and am still looking for the first game to fully realize it’s potential (both destiny and D4 fall a bit short). Aspects of D4 definitely work better than destiny however, primarily the open world events.
Nothing quite as immersive as questing along with BallBag, your powerful level 6 friend.
Any games that require online for single player should be heavily boycotted no matter how good they might be.
Hope they fix it soon!
I’m glad I had guests over and then going to light up the grill tonight. Good thing I didn’t really have time to play!
D4 reflection works without battle.net: https://d4reflection.org/
Never heard of that! Thanks for the link!
Whoa, can you explain more about this? Seems neat, is it a backup community-run server?
Just played some SC2. I think you meant that Diablo servers are down, not Battle.net.
might just be a comcast issue?