One of those things I wish every once in a while, to meet the actor/actress I most enjoy and just ask them questions about their roles and what they were thinking.

Of course the worry is that they are completely opposite in real life and it would ruin the illusion, so a catch-22. I both want to know more about them, but also I don’t want to know anything.

To kick us off, some here know my favorite actress is Felicity Jones, and I would absolutely love to meet her and know more about how she chooses a role, she is very selective now. She is also very secretive about her process and how she gets into character, yet she is one of the best biographical actresses in my opinion after Jane Hawking and RBG.

A fun one I think would be Woody Harrelson, talking to him from Cheers up to Hunger Games and more, he seems fun to have a beer, but he also seems like a prime “actually an asshole” candidate.

  • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.techOP
    3 months ago

    Fair, on each account. I both want to and don’t want to meet them, very conflicting feelings.

    I wouldn’t expect Ed Norton, maybe I haven’t seen enough of his movies. Of course fight club, what else would you recommend with him?

      3 months ago

      Oh man, American History X. It’s not only my favorite performance of his, I would argue it’s at least top three if not number one in terms of sheer immersion. Even after seeing it dozens of times, I forget it’s Ed Norton and just sink into it.

      However, Death to Smoochy is a must watch after all his heavy drama work. AHX is a hard watch in a lot of ways, so having Smoochy to cleanse the palate as well as contrast his craft work is a good idea.