EDITED: Change link to proper article instead of a stupid video, and changed associated text to match new URL.
Disgusting, in my opinion.
Because this guy needs more attention and validation for being a giant piece of shit.
The words in the article literally disgusted me. We have a person who is willing to sell out this country, harms hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent people, and a fucking moron to boot, being talked about like he was some underdog who had a witch hunt placed on him. Literally made me sick to my stomach.
He is also a convicted felon and a rapist. Man of the year material right there.
harms hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent people
Billions. He’s intent on ramping up the use of fossil fuels, dismantling climate science and outlawing protections against pandemics.
Used car lot Hitler.
Slum lord Hitler.
Womp womp
They should have brought back the scrolly border while they were at it.
They can name whoever the fuck they want but it’s stolen valor. We all know who the person of 2024 is.
Danny DeVito?
Danny DeVito is the person of all time, you can’t confine him to a single year.
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I mean, he is definitely person of the year. It’s not best person of the year, it’s the person that had the most impact. His victory was more sweeping than anyone expected. He gained ground in every demographic. The political parties are likely to be forever changed after that election. I just hope the democrats don’t learn the wrong lessons.
“This is someone who made an historic comeback, who reshaped the American presidency and who’s reordering American politics,” Jacobs said.
They’re being way to delicate with him, though. If he’s that bad that should be showcasing just awful he is.
Why do it that way, though? It’s always felt like it must have been a retcon to explain why they messed up and went with Hitler in 38. Why call someone horrible “person of the year” and give them more attention. Seems like time could be spent better on someone that had a positive impact.
Because it’s their publication and that’s how they decided to do it? I don’t know, I’m not the one calling the shots at Time magazine. I think you can make strong justifications for either way of doing it. It’s probably harder to do it the way you’re suggesting because no one has a crystal ball and you can’t know that someone won’t become a terrible person or that they’re hiding some terrible thing.
Remember Hitler was person of the year.
Luigi was robbed.
As it always is… a short, fat, narcissistic asshole steals the attention from the real hero.
username checks out
We truly live in some nightmarish times I’m afraid…
OP username fits
The standard name the president elect person of the year. At this point it’s hardly even news.
Christ, I cannot wait to read his story obituary.
Trump seen here proudly proclaiming “black power!”
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