Also stupid: ignoring calls that you’re too old, dropping out way too late for a primary and handing off to your VP who was not particularly popular last primary.
Also putting a heritage foundation sympathizer as your AG.
Not accounting postal board members who would remove the scum that is DeJoy.
Letting Israel genocide Palestine without cutting off the weapon supply. While also dragging us into shit with Iran.
Biden did a lot of deeply frustrating and very wrongheaded things, but Garland for AG, imo, cleanly takes the cake. I genuinely cannot think of a more feckless, functionally useless, and societally harmful nomination that he made.
I was vocally against it at the time, but too many dumbasses were way too into “poetic justice” to see how stupid making the compromise candidate your first choose was
When I called out the appointment it was just a Republican in Biden’s cabinet who wouldn’t go after Jan 6 rioters or Trump, I was told I was being a doomer and unrealistic.
I hate being right about horrid shit.
“Never underestimate Joe Bidens ability to fuck everything up” –Barrack Obama.
She’d had done fine if she did three things:
Continued the initial push of laying her foot into the collective asses of the MAGA collective. That first month or so was great and Dems needed that energy.
Gone against Biden and condemned the situation in Gaza AND remind everyone that Ukraine is still going.
Not listened to the idiot Dem “strategists” who seem so fucking convinced that courting modern Conservatives is a good idea.
Had she done these three things and even the shit communications of the Dems could not have stopped the word of mouth and internet celebrity status she would have had.
Or, she could have courted conservatives by going after the health insurance industry. Democrats are still operating like it’s the 1990s.
She didn’t though. Given the fact she never won a presidential primary it was unsurprising that she ran a poor campaign.
That’s the thing: She was doing fine initially. Not even when you measured her up against Biden, just in general. She came out verbally lashing Trump and challenging everything he and his cronies tried to do. She did exactly what I was hoping she’d do and lean on her experience in law and not tried to be charismatic.
What I suspect happened is she was pulled aside and told it wouldn’t work. Chances are she was made to bend and rather than leverage her position she did bend. Or perhaps she was convinced to do so, I don’t know. After Bernie in 2016 I don’t trust the Dems at all when it comes to elections. Not in the sense of corrupt votes or whatever, in that they’d choose a losing candidate or choose to lose over having to admit they need to step aside and let the energy flow.
What I think you are trying to say is:
I’ve thought about this quote a lot since the election lol. Timeless.
Yeah, pretty much…
Been white
Been a man
Biden, a white man, only stepped down because his own numbers showed him losing terribly too. The dems have lost the plot and are not speaking to (both in person and as a platform) their base.
A white man embracing Cuban and Cheney but running as a dem, supporting a genocide, and telling people worried about the economy that they’re doing just fine would have lost too. Unless you’re a racist yourself, dont confuse stupid with racism and sexism.
Maybe? The huge chunk of people who didn’t vote for her were white middle class suburban men. There might have been a simple racial bias to factor in as well.
She lost traction with every single demographic except white college educated. Stop trying to make this solely about individual demographic differences. It clearly wasnt.
This guy breaks it down pretty well I think
That worked so well for Hillary Clinton. Let’s face it, we are not ready for a women president. We won’t even let them head committees in Congress!
You know, almost feels intentional. Would not surprise me, for sure. I can totally imagine that jackass thinking better for him to hand the reigns to Trump than to some dirty socialist like Bernie.
Almost certainly. The Dems in power aren’t worried about a second Trump administration. If anything, they’re excited for it. What terrifies them is the idea of a third party, progressive candidate getting office.
If Trump just wants to hurt more people that the Dems are, they would stay in office with security or leave the country.
Trump’s victims of the lower class aren’t able to have such luxury. No one cares but the victims.
Left wing populists threaten the oligarchs. Right wing populists don’t. It’s really that simple. The Democratic establishment straight up prefers Trump to Bernie.
Trump is an idiot who looks good to run against. When Trump was gaining ground, donations went up. When Roe v. Wade was abolished, donations went up.
Why have a candidate who wants to help people and can defeat Trump when the money keeps pouring in so you can leave the country if he ever gets “too much”.
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The Democratic primaries and caucus finished in May.
Calls for Biden to step out down started in June.
That’s not the whole story. The concerns about his age were present since before he was elected as president, which is what led him to promise to be a one-term president. His presidency was llagued with stories about his age and appearances that made clear he was no longer fit.
He reneged on his promise and, as the incumbent president, was a shoe-in for the primary, preventing a real primary involving real competition for the candidacy to occur. In June, the calls for him to drop out began coming from the highest levels of media and the party due to the disastrous debate, but Dem voters and the nation in general considered him to be too old years before that.
I’m sorry, but it is stupid to acknowledge that your age is a liability, then after 4 years have passed, refuse to step aside so that your allies are forced to downplay your fitness issues and elect you as forerunner of the party, then to be exposed right next to your opponent on an internationally-watched debate.
That’s the story as it pertains to your original statement.
I don’t remember him promising to be a one term President, so would like a source for that.
As it says, no public pledge. A story on a web page is not a pledge.
I never said “public pledge.” You can stop being disingenuous or stop replying to me.
Look who’s being disingenuous
He can’t reneg, as you said, on something you read on the web.
He also let everyone believe he was just gonna run for one term. Then, when election season comes around, when asked if he was gonna step aside and that most Americans would like him to not run, his response?
Fuck you, Jack. FUCK. YOU.
He made no announcement that he wouldn’t serve a second term.
He recieved 14 million votes in primary, and you want him to step down due to a poll?
Are you referring to the ridiculous sham they called the 2024 Democratic Primary? Where nobody serious ran against him because the party would black list them?
You’re right, he never said the exact words. But all of America was under the impression he was gonna step back. He never used the direct words to dispell that either. I’m not alone in feeling betrayed by Biden.
All of America minus 14 million.
14 million is 4% of 345 million (~American population.) Yes, 96% of America thought he wasn’t gonna run again.
The whole population is not the voting population
“I wasn’t a lying duplicitous bastard like Trump. That’s where I went wrong.”
just… what?
To be fair, it says a lot about the intelligence of the average American when a lot of them think these checks were from Trump’s personal bank account, just due to the signature.
Literally all you had to do was offer universal healthcare, as evidenced by *sweeping gesture at everything.
That was my exact response - he’s right in a very limited sense, and notably a sense that hinges on the sad fact that too many Americans are dumbasses who thought that Trump’s signature over a check drawn on the US Treasury meant something, and therefore the absence of Biden’s also did.
You need House and Senate Supermajority to pass universal healthcare, just like it took 60 dems to give us Medicaid Expansion and Protections for Preexisting conditions in 2010. We would have had Single Payer but Joe Liebermen was the sole blue holdout and he didn’t die until 2013.
Yeah, that was it…
Actually demented take
Biden’s take is correct.
I’m going to need to explain where “didn’t sign a US Treasury check” is in those stats because I don’t see it
The vast majority of people worried about the economy blame the inflation for rising costs and they blame inflation on creation of money by the federal government due to increased spending alongside deficits.
The truth of the matter is inflation peaked in Bidens third or fourth month and declined since then, that rising costs are because of unfair market practices and monopoly, but people are stupid and only believe what the news tells them.
So he was damned if he did and only in hindsight does he realize he is still damned when he didn’t.
And where does it say “Didn’t sign a US Treasury Check several years ago?”
11℅ facists aware of climate change is being generous
Literal Eco-fascists are a thing. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it’s about 10%.
Trump claims to have brought about cleaner air and water, so if an eco individual is stupid enough then it makes sense
Signing the checks wouldn’t have erased Biden’s numerous attempts to take a fucking victory lap in the middle of the largest cost of living crisis since the Great Depression. And then he whined to the papers that the people just didn’t understand. A literal Principal Skinner moment.
Biden delivered more than most presidents ever will on the subject, the FTC was actively investigating entire markets and recommending cases to the DOJ over monopoly and price gouging, a Federal Judge literally just decided the Krogers-Albertson Merger would be halted as a result.
He reverse the Inflation Rate trend that occurred under the Trump admin in his first few months as president, despite it being caused by a literal Plague on all of humanity.
He deserved a victory lap, people are just fucking morons for not seeing how much was being done for their benefit. And now, they’re going to be blind to all of it being undone, as well.
People don’t give a shit what you think you deserve. They want results and wall street celebrating is not a result when parents are having trouble buying food for their kids.
He was.
A better point is refusing to listen to voters and keep repeating that the economy is great showed how wildly out of touch the modern DNC is.
TBF yeah people were complaining that the creation of money for the stimulus checks in the midst of deficit was causing inflation, but the fact that the economy and inflation rate both recovered and they still blamed him means he should have done it anyways.
…among other things.
Like not saying covid was “just a cold” how trump did?
I was going more Afghanistan…
Edit: Oh, you don’t have a snappy retort for that one?
Guess you agree?
You mean he followed through on the negotiation already done by trump? Missed that part right?
The surprise to everyone back-door, rapid-deadline, no time to secure weapons and bases, sacrificing human (re)sources, with a terrorist group while setting 5000 of their members free to rape and kill women and children, and now threatens to court Marshall the generals who followed the orders, withdrawal…
Just to make Biden look bad.
Joe Biden is capable of that without Afghanistan
Sure. Which makes it so. much. more. Pathetic. that trump had to be a little bitch.
All I see are little bitches running the place right now. It’s just what little bitch is going actively make my life suck more who I dislike most. And that will always be the maga crowd.
I’m sorry, are we admitting Biden followed through with Trump policy?
Who’s team are we on, here?
Wait, isn’t that worse? There was no “Hold up, guys… this seems a little fucked?”
It’s weird that Biden “needing” to follow Trump ideas is somehow a good thing?
Afghanistan was fucked the second Trump made a deal with the Taliban and cut the local leadership out of the picture. They all made their own deals with the Taliban right after that and the offensive they conducted was only a matter of time. Trump’s actions made Afghanistan untenable and then he handed it off to Biden with a lit fuse. The Ghost of Patton himself could not have prevented what happened short of deploying multiple Infantry divisions back into the country. Which would have resulted in massive protests in the US and Congress passing a veto proof bill to stop it. So even then, there was no actual path forward anymore. You can fuck off with this GOP propaganda.
holds the door open for Trump
Controlled Opposition
That wasn’t the mistake.
Just get the fuck out of office already, Biden. One old fuck goes out, another old fuck comes in. Never ends.
stupid just that one time huh.
Did he sign the 2,000-pound bombs that he sent to israel? Regarding the stimulus checks, biden is stupid alright, but it’s not because he didn’t sign the stimulus checks, but because he promised $2000 checks and then shortchanged it by claiming earlier payments that went out before he even entered office counted towards it.
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Well we at least agree on one part of that statement.
I’d rather my food not cost three times as much as it did five years ago.
Well buckle up cause here comes the trump economy choo choooooo
I am fully aware how fucked we are. I don’t recall displaying any enthusiasm over that prospect…
You gotta love how the cost of everything went up 30% minimum but “inflation” is only up 3%
3% per month. That’s how those inflation numbers work.