I believe in socialism, but I feel Stalin shouldn’t be idolised due to things like the Gulag.

I would like more people to become socialist, but I feel not condemning Stalin doesn’t help the cause.

I’ve tried to have a constructieve conversation about this, but I basically get angry comments calling me stupid for believing he did atrocious things.

That’s not how you win someone over.

I struggle to believe the Gulag etc. Never happened, and if it happened I firmly believe Stalin should be condemned.

  • d-RLY?@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Definitely saving a copy of this to have ready for debates with friends! Sources matter and shit coming from declassified CIA and not “some USSR propaganda.” Not like the CIA is the most honest of sources, but this being stuff that wasn’t meant for mass release makes it easier to put cracks in the anti-communist indoctrination of the western populace. Really shows how much we were failing to find actual proof of the stuff our leaders always kept spouting. The MIC wanted to use whatever war hawk lies to create conditions needed to make the money gun go burrr. Just like the lies about missile build-ups that weren’t happening in the USSR before we claimed they were and started going nuts “closing the gap.” Of course the USSR did start building-up, but not before we kept yelling about drastically increasing ours.