2d Session
H. R. 5349
AN ACT To develop and disseminate a civic education curriculum and oral history resources regarding certain political ideologies, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “Crucial Communism Teaching Act”.
SEC. 2. Purposes.
The purposes of this Act are the following:
(1) To help families, civic institutions, local communities, local educational agencies, high schools, and State educational agencies to prepare high school students to be civically responsible and knowledgeable adults.
(2) To ensure that high school students in the United States—
(A) learn that communism has led to the deaths of over 100,000,000 victims worldwide;
(B) understand the dangers of communism and similar political ideologies; and
© understand that 1,500,000,000 people still suffer under communism.
SEC. 3. Development and dissemination of civic education curriculum and oral history resources.
The independent entity created under section 905(b)(1)(B) of the FRIENDSHIP Act (40 U.S.C. 8903 note; 107 Stat. 2331 note), also known as the “Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation”, shall—
(1) develop a civic education curriculum for high school students that—
(A) includes a comparative discussion of certain political ideologies, including communism and totalitarianism, that conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy that are essential to the founding of the United States;
(B) is updated periodically to ensure the curriculum includes both past and present communist and totalitarian regimes, with a focus on—
(i) ongoing human rights abuses by such regimes, such as the treatment of Uyghurs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) by the People’s Republic of China; and
(ii) aggression by such regimes against democratic nations and democracy, such as actions taken by the People’s Republic of China to deter pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and the increasingly aggressive posture by the People’s Republic of China toward Taiwan, a democratic friend of the United States.
© is accurate, relevant, and accessible, so as to promote the understanding of such political ideologies; and
(D) is compatible with a variety of courses, including social studies, government, history, and economics classes;
(2) develop oral history resources that may be used alongside the curriculum described in paragraph (1) and that include personal stories, titled “Portraits in Patriotism”, from diverse individuals who—
(A) demonstrate civic-minded qualities;
(B) are victims of the political ideologies described in paragraph (1)(A); and
© are able to compare the political ideologies described in paragraph (1)(A) with the political ideology of the United States; and
(3) engage with State and local educational leaders to assist high schools in using the curriculum described in paragraph (1) and the resources described in paragraph (2).
SEC. 4. Definitions.
The terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801) shall apply to this Act.
Passed the House of Representatives December 6, 2024.
Strange how America is so desperate to teach anti-communism but seem to be against teaching anti-fascism
Supposedly there was actually a “push” to “balance” this law with a provision stating an education on the dangers of fascism should be included too and wouldn’t you know it, it was shot down completely.
Interesting 🤔
I’m sure if any anti-fascist rhetoric was taught alongside it would be framed in an “ackshualee, Hitler and Mussolini were leftists” sort of way.
A ton of people already push the “did you know Nazi means National SOCIALISM?” line.
Obviously there is no difference. Everyone knows Mussolini and Hitler were die hard Marxists, and not the reactionary forces that arise as a response to communism.
This has literally 0 impact on what I was taught in US public schools. It was already “victims of communism” parroting to begin with.
There’s stuff I was taught in high school that’s now considered Holocaust denial by every organization and historian who is at least vaguely familiar with the subject. Clean Wehrmacht, “double genocide,” and the Nuremberg Defense, to name a few.
Now that I think about it, some of it was considered Holocaust denial back then, too. It was taught to us anyway. Thanks David Irving!¯\_(ツ)_/¯
156 Dems voted for this
6 out of all California reps voted against it. “Commiefornia” my ass
its called “the crucial communism teaching act”
FWIW this hasn’t passed the Senate yet but it probably will so
And if it gets to the president before inauguration, Biden will furiously sign it as a show of force to the incoming president
“Let’s see them call me a commie lover now that I’ve signed this bill”
Man, I wonder whether this includes teaching how the 10^8 death figure was conceived.
probably only includes repeating the number over and over again and making it a test question
Really if you think about it, uplifting a person out of poverty kills their past self. The number of metaphorical deaths is through the roof.
Taiwan, a democratic friend of the United States
Does this count as a tacit recognition of Taiwan? If so, wouldn’t that put this at odds with the official policy of deliberate ambiguity? Then again they said “democratic friend” instead of “democratic nation” so I guess that technically doesn’t count?
There is actually no ambiguity in official US policy. The policy is that there is one china and the US recognizes the PRC… Strategic ambiguity is the strategy of the US not being clear whether they will glass the earth if the PRC moves to end the “conflict” by means declared not sufficiently “peaceful” according to the US
I see, that’s a big difference, thanks for explaining that!
US public schools are so underfunded I bet this will amount to a couple powerpoint slides read out in 30 seconds by a desperate, underqualified and overexploited teacher who is trying to wrangle a class of 50 kids through a brutally fast curriculum between yelling at the alienated students vaping and playing grab ass in the back of the room.
That is if the teachers even bother at all. Are all those nonexistent Department of Education inspectors going to be auditing high school to check if they’re teaching this shit?? Yeah right, they even had to outsource the creation of this curriculum. And private schools aren’t going to teach this goofy crap either, they have plenty of more subtle methods of liberal indoctrination.
Cheapass failing empire can’t even pay for its own propaganda because it all goes to bombs for the Zionist entity, shameful. So please, tell me more about this spooky specter
is accurate, relevant
that’s gonna be difficult when every child grew up hearing their parents say “that use to be affordable” about everything.
Why is this during a lame duck session? It’s obviously gonna pass under Trunk.
It’s pretty poorly formatted there so I figured I’d just format it nicely so it’s searchable here
oh yeah for sure, i just typically copypaste the source link in the comments if i already went to the trouble of searching it up