Back in the day we would prank each other by flipping the 120\240 switch on each other’s computers so that they wouldn’t turn on. That kept going until someone did it one too many times and freed the foul smelling machine spirit.
So anyone feel free to disbelieve, but me and a friend ran our elementary school’s IBM network when we were 12. I don’t know the proper name for it, but it was a bunch of dumb terminals (CRT displays) with keyboard hooked up to an actual computer I never knew the physical location of. We were able to fix any problems just by fucking around with it, it was a simple system, and the school didn’t have to pay a tech to come out. So we had admin password. We used to play hacker games starting at the same time trying to knock each other off the network and change passwords fast enough. We could see who was logged in and a few shitty kids had their terminals just lock up somehow so they had to start over. Womp womp.
There were a few games on there that weren’t educational. They weren’t accessible without at least supervisor password so you could get terminal access.
I’ll pay a bounty to anyone who can get a proper executable of IBM CHOPPER that will work on Windows. I’ve searched before and I can’t get it. That game was so fucking fun. It’s a sidescroller helicopter combat game with 8 bit colors, played with a keyboard. $100 bucks to anyone who can get me a working copy or good emulation.
Edit- jaybone figured it out and won the bounty! It was Chopper Commando.
Is that the one where you would land and wait for these little guys to run into your helicopter, then you had to fly back to base and drop them off? As someone else mentioned that sounds like choplifter on C64. Also reminds me of a really great old school WW2 fighter plane side scroller. I can’t think of the name, but it was made by a company called broaderbund or something.
The other side-scroller I mention above was called Wings of Fury. Also on Apple II and later on 80x86. Whenever I think of Choplifter I always think of this next.
core memory unlocked
also using hard drive magnet to discolour CRT screens
Back in the day we would prank each other by flipping the 120\240 switch on each other’s computers so that they wouldn’t turn on. That kept going until someone did it one too many times and freed the foul smelling machine spirit.
screenshot of desktop as desktop, hide icons. simple times.
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow key
Inverting screens for lulz
Ha! I distinctly remember ‘inventing’ the same joke…
That still works on people nowadays
So anyone feel free to disbelieve, but me and a friend ran our elementary school’s IBM network when we were 12. I don’t know the proper name for it, but it was a bunch of dumb terminals (CRT displays) with keyboard hooked up to an actual computer I never knew the physical location of. We were able to fix any problems just by fucking around with it, it was a simple system, and the school didn’t have to pay a tech to come out. So we had admin password. We used to play hacker games starting at the same time trying to knock each other off the network and change passwords fast enough. We could see who was logged in and a few shitty kids had their terminals just lock up somehow so they had to start over. Womp womp.
There were a few games on there that weren’t educational. They weren’t accessible without at least supervisor password so you could get terminal access.
I’ll pay a bounty to anyone who can get a proper executable of IBM CHOPPER that will work on Windows. I’ve searched before and I can’t get it. That game was so fucking fun. It’s a sidescroller helicopter combat game with 8 bit colors, played with a keyboard. $100 bucks to anyone who can get me a working copy or good emulation.
Edit- jaybone figured it out and won the bounty! It was Chopper Commando.
Unfortunately no, this is way too advanced. Thanks for trying though.
Is that the one where you would land and wait for these little guys to run into your helicopter, then you had to fly back to base and drop them off? As someone else mentioned that sounds like choplifter on C64. Also reminds me of a really great old school WW2 fighter plane side scroller. I can’t think of the name, but it was made by a company called broaderbund or something.
You might be thinking of Jungle Strike, which was awesome, but on Sega Genesis.
CHOPPER was extremely basic but so well done. I’ve never had a chance to use a C64.
This was Choplifter, which ran on C64 and Apple IIe. I imagine it also had an 8086/8088 PC version. Not sure if that’s what you mean by “IBM”
I do see something called Chopper Commando. Is that what you are thinking of?
The other side-scroller I mention above was called Wings of Fury. Also on Apple II and later on 80x86. Whenever I think of Choplifter I always think of this next.
Holy shit you got it! Chopper Commando is the one! You won the bounty - PM incoming. The others look fun by the way.
Wings of Fury looks intense. I’m going to try to emulate all of these. Maybe even try to get a controller working for them.
Oh damn! Shoplifter! I remember that!
Desert strike?
No, but I love all three strike games. There’s a new one coming out and I’m excited!
Name of new one?
I’m not having any luck searching for it. I read about it a few days ago, sorry.
I realized in my search that I wasn’t even aware of the two games that came out on PlayStation.
Just go with the better C64 Choplifter!
Not it. Thanks though.
Got a link to what you’re looking for?
jaybone figured it out in a comment right above this, and won the bounty.
It was actually called Chopper Commando.
Some kids did that here too, but the effect was more fun and immediate because we’re on 240 volts.
And the satisfaction of a good degauss afterwards
yeah that button was a game changer, honestly wouldn’t even bother if the school had those.
We had to rub them face down on the carpet to get them somewhere close to normal.