Truly, we live in the worst timeline

    • CloutAtlas [he/him]
      3 months ago

      >Rebuilding from the second world war

      >Rebuilding from the civil war

      >Catching up on healthcare and education

      >Reforming society after millenia of misogyny, feudalism, colonialism, warlord banditry and classism

      >Taking earthquakes, families, droughts, floods and typhoons on the chin

      >Dealing with the Sino Soviet split

      >Target of propaganda, foreign funded colour revolutions and hostile economic policy and internal division


      >So feared that the imperial core is dedicating billions to pay for propaganda against you, funding your rivals, tariffing your goods and blocking scientific co-operation instead of spending said money on welfare or healthcare

      >About to overtake the richest country in the history of the world, which had a head start of having free slave labour and stolen land

      Khrushchev you fucking dipshit. You absolute nonce. What could have been if you weren’t such a short sighted piece of shit, I could be writing this on Mars right now.