Thanks everyone for all of the feedback we are getting! It’s hard to rapidly develop and push new updates while maintaining 100% usability, so your feedback is crucial to making sure things work the way they are supposed to!
If you are interested in getting the latest updates or chatting about issues and ideas, you can join the Discord server.
Please make sure that you are running the latest version of memmy as well. Changes are happening quickly and there are new features getting pushed daily. I suggest enabling automatic updates in TestFlight.
Happy scrolling!
The app is coming together and improving pretty rapidly so far. I can see that Apollo has been a big inspiration in regards to gestures which makes me feel “at home” while browsing the lemmyverse. I’m definitely loving it.
My only suggestions would be having the ability to change the font size. I’m unfortunately at a stage in my life where it’s becoming more difficult to read smaller fonts, and I’m having to squint to read the comments.
I also made a request to the mlem dev to have the ability to toggle a setting that hides the top and bottom bars while scrolling through threads/comments like you can within Apollo. It’d be nice if a similar setting could be added.
Memmy does support dynamic type, but yeah it’s a feature from apollo that I miss too.
IOS Settings » Accessibility » Display & Text Size » Larger Text
You can bump global text size up with the slider at the bottom of that screen without enabling the Larger Text toggle
I like my system font size to be on the smaller side though, so being able to customize by app is a big QOL upgrade
Can images me made easier to swipe away? I feel like much of the time I try to swipe up or down and it just moved the image instead of dismissing like I’m attempting.
Does anyone else have the problem on iPad where when you click on a photo in a post, the right 1/3 gets cropped off?
Guess it’s just me. 🤙🏽
Two quick items of feedback.
When browsing a community, it would be useful to be able to tap the community name at the top centre to go to a drop-down menu of other communities you’ve subscribed. This was default on Apollo. Obviously we have the traverse button now and that’s useful.
When searching communities it would be really useful to see number of users. This is especially important as there can be many communities named after a similar topic, say, “photography”.
Discord link has expired
Did I hallucinate that swipe to save is a feature? Or was it and did it miraculously disappear?
Haha no it wasn’t there. But it will be sooner than later.
Some feedback: 1: I’m sure you are working on this, but adding the ability to search for communities should be a priority. IMHO, I would copy how Apollo has a dedicated tab on the bottom menu for search. Alternatively, see (7)
2: A couple of features aren’t properly scaling when using the app in the “slide over” configuration on an iPad. The ones I’ve found so far are: it’s impossible to downvote a comment, the top UI elements smoosh into each other, and images don’t display without clicking on them
3: Consider getting a bit more active about promoting the app. This is way more impressive than Mlem
4: Consider adding a dedicated downvote button to comments. Currently people browsing with gestures disabled would not be able to downvote comments at all
5: Consider copying how Apollo will report how many comments are in a collapsed thread / comment chain. This is required to implement (6)
6: Consider automatically collapsing comment chains that are more than 5 replies deep.
7: Consider creating a dedicated interface for selecting communities / all. Perhaps the dialog could be triggered by tapping the top bar, and would contain radio buttons for sorting by all / subscribed / local, as well as a list of subscribed communities. You could also include a redundant shortcut to search (or even put the entire search dialog) here (see (1))
8: The menu when inside a community is currently missing the sidebar
Overall, this app is amazing! —
- Should have the search done today. I wanted it done yesterday but time got short.
- I know that there’s a few UI issues, but I have some designs already ready to begin implementing, so things are going to change a lot on that front for the better.
- As far as promotion, most definitely will. I still want to make sure that I iron out a bunch of the issues before I do anything major though. However, I do want to aim to have something stable for the 30th of June that can be available on the App Store without TestFlight.
- The new designs include buttons for upvoting and downvoting posts on the comment item. This will be enabled/disabled via a setting.
- Good call on showing that.
- I will definitely be having them auto collapsed at some point here soon.
- I’m going to experiment with a better way to select those. In addition, need to have good ways to select for comment sorting and stuff too.
- Sidebar info will be availabe in new design.
Thanks for all the good feedback!!
For #5, it also might be valuable to have an option to collapse all comments by default.
As a side note, are there any plans to mark posts as read on scroll, and then auto-hide them? It was super nice being able to maintain a “history” and avoid revisiting posts over and over again.
Thank you for all your incredible work on this!
I’m a little late to the party, but I came here to suggest this too. One of my favorite Apollo features was being able to hide all read posts with a single button, so my feed was always clean of old posts I’d already interacted with.
Not the guy who made the original list, but if I could suggest something along the lines of number 5, maybe an option in settings to auto-collapse all child comments as well? Apollo had this and it was one of my favourite features of the app
Hey I tried to join the discord using the link above, but discord said it was invalid/had expired. Any new links?
I would love a version of “compact” that hides all thumbnails. It makes for an even more compact list of text rather than dedicating space for a square thumbnail, many of which are just empty because they are text posts and/or just outward going links, and I do enjoy the visual cleanliness that comes from not having a variety of different squares of colors against a black background lining the right side of the text.
Do you have a new link for the discord? I’m getting an error that the link in the post is invalid or expired.
I with the “feed” uses the same font size as when you open a post. The letters on the feed are way too big now.
Nice update, feels a bit more stable and I like the functions you have implemented. Especially blocking communities!
Visually my favorite app so far!
I world love the swipe touch target to be widened quite a bit. One handed swiping can be difficult using my right hand and it’s one of the things that kept me on for Apollo so long.
JSON errors. Comments don’t post. Constantly.
That’s an issue with the instance unfortunately. I am dealing with the same thing right now trying to use the web.
Thanks for the response! I wasn’t sure if it was Memmy or the actual instances. Loving the Memmy app.
Idk if this is possible, but the biggest thing about Apollo, for me, was being able to tune it to my eyesight.
When I use system font, it doesn’t actually boost up the font size to what’s on my phone. When I use the manual slider, it is SO much better, but words in titles and descriptions can get jumbled into themselves and become unreadable. For example, when I search communities, the number of members, community title, and instance they are on all run into each other. It’s made it so I have to use Wefwef when searching for communities, then I can view them on Memmy. If there’s any way to fix this, I would really appreciate it. Regardless, thank you for your efforts!