They were using subsonic rounds. Those frequently don’t have enough oomph to fully cycle the slide on their own in a blowback operated gun. So they had to manually cycle the slide between shots. That wasn’t a problem with the gun, just a quirk of the ammo.
I figured they were talking about between the second and third shot where he’s having to mess with the chamber. I also heard that whatever happened may just be normal for the setup he was using. But I’m not sure of either because I’m not a gun guy.
I don’t think there’s more video though because he takes all 3 shots in that.
I also heard that whatever happened may just be normal for the setup he was using.
Gun gal here: yeah most 9mm pistols with a Browning-style action (Glocks, Sigs, etc) won’t properly cycle with a suppressor on them. Something about the barrel tilt. You need a special bit called a booster to get enough recoil to cycle. Otherwise you need to manually cycle like seen in the video.
Is the video available publicly? Can I see it?
Hell yeah
I want the full video though. I heard his gun got jammed or something which he fixed to continue shooting.
They were using subsonic rounds. Those frequently don’t have enough oomph to fully cycle the slide on their own in a blowback operated gun. So they had to manually cycle the slide between shots. That wasn’t a problem with the gun, just a quirk of the ammo.
I figured they were talking about between the second and third shot where he’s having to mess with the chamber. I also heard that whatever happened may just be normal for the setup he was using. But I’m not sure of either because I’m not a gun guy.
I don’t think there’s more video though because he takes all 3 shots in that.
Gun gal here: yeah most 9mm pistols with a Browning-style action (Glocks, Sigs, etc) won’t properly cycle with a suppressor on them. Something about the barrel tilt. You need a special bit called a booster to get enough recoil to cycle. Otherwise you need to manually cycle like seen in the video.