The dollar can be used once a day. It has to be a dollar’s worth of a product, service or use of a product. For example, A dollar’s worth of a $100 TV would be the life of the TV divided by 100. You would get to enjoy the TV for that amount of time. The product or service is instant and doesn’t require any preparation. It just appears and disappears. Or you could have a TV permanently that is worth one dollar.
I’m going to fuck it
The dollar?
All he needs is a minute with a prostitute
I’m not putting my dick anywhere a $60/hr escort.
What if I only need 10 sec?
Mr. Hand Lotion, eh?
Two pumps and a squirt.
Could there be a way to enjoy a dollar’s worth of a skydiving trip? I’m thinking of being teleported into the sky mid-drop, flailing about in a panic for a few seconds, then instantly reappearing back where I was before.
Twist: you keep the velocity you gained during the drop and splash on the living room floor right in front of your family.
Ballpark $300 per go, typically ~10,000 ft, internet says that’s 30 seconds of freefall… I think you can get a dollar’s worth of skydiving by rolling out of bed the wrong way.
Well, I guess it depends which tenth of a second of the fall you get. Do you get the beginning jump out of the plane, or somewhere midair?
Lol, imaging switching from 15db typical room whisper sound to idk, 100db? sound of falling in terminal velocity and then back. The face expression is priceless
*Could there be a way to make someone else “enjoy”… :D
Yes, you get the parachute and all and if it is a service where there is a set cost to skydive, then it is X over the time of the fall times one dollar over the cost of the entire service.
I buy one dollar worth of Bitcoin… according to the value moments after Bicoin’s invention.
Its a magic dollar aint it? So the magic is that I get to choose the time period of its exchange value.
Stonks 🤓
using ‘the pizza’ as the exchange rate, 243.9 coins to the dollar. iirc, it was a $41 pizza order for 10,000 coins. save up for the 41 days then use the ‘magic’ to buy that guy’s pizza.
at today’s exchange rate, 10k coins is nearly $968m. accounting for exchange fees and taxes (capital gains, since you bought them years ago), lets call it an even $750m.
now if the ‘magic’ lets you repeat that process every 41 days…
If you choose, you can time travel to the ‘distance’ in time worth one dollar, however much that may be. There is also no rule against saving.
So I can travel back in time 8.27 minutes? Because that’s what a dollar is worth according to the US Federal Minimum wage.
Cool, I guess I can save up a year worth of magic dollars then I can go back in time 50 hours.
Choose any stock or crypto that went up by a lot in the last 8min, travel back, buy all your moneys worth and sell 8min later. Repeat every day
Not bad for a passive income.
‘buy’ a dollar of someone’s time, kill 'em, then automatically teleport out and back to safety and alibis.
Not to brag, but if I made one dollar more per day, I wouldn’t even notice. A dollar ain’t worth a dime anymore.
But in answer to your question, ⅒th of a banana.
If a single dollar doesn’t move the needle for you, that’s great! It reminded me of a book I read where the whole premise revolves around “how much does a single dollar more per day change your life?”
They built an interesting site: dollar street (
If all the world lived on a single street, with low income left and high income right - where are you?
You can save it.
You know, I have a non-magic dollar that gets me a dollar’s worth of anything too.
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The only right answer is drugs
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You can have one dollar’s amount of gold to keep forever or you can have any amount of gold for one dollar’s worth of time. It would depend on who you are ‘renting’ the gold from. If they say for a dollar you can have a pile of gold bars for X amount of minutes and then you give it back etc. You ask the magic dollar and out comes a ‘Spyro-esque’ Moneybags character lol. He might only let you touch the gold if he is stingy. The TV metaphor assumes the average life span of a TV these days. Or that particular model. So for a 1K TV, it would be a fraction 1/1000 of that TV life span.
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For the TV it is the second scenario you explained. It’s like you are renting it based on its overall price. For the gold, it is not yours, you can have any amount for a price negotiated by the seller. Then, it disappears OR you have one dollar’s worth of gold. Essentially the gold would be useless to rent so save up money each day and then buy the gold to keep. You are basically never really buying anything of value just renting it for whatever the seller decides is a fair amount of time worth a dollar. To illustrate, Rent a center could charge you to use a TV by the day, week, month and you make payments until you own it. The difference here is you don’t rent to own, but the calculations are the same. If they charge 100 per month to rent something you have one 1/100th of that month. But the dollar is mysterious so you could theoretically ask the magic dollar to just have the TV or gold appear for whatever is a fair amount of time to use it for. You can do the calculations or just see what the dollar calculates is fair. But if you want to keep the gold, it is 1 dollar of gold. And if you want to keep a TV, it is however big a one dollar TV could be. It’s magic, it defies normal conventions. You could ask to have one dollar’s worth of a gourmet meal if you want and it appears.
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For gold that practically lasts forever, you use how much longer you have in your lifespan, by average. Like how much longer could someone live to.
The gourmet meal would be the meal divided into a part equal to one dollar. Calories won’t disappear. I just realized I forgot how to do math so I am looking up how to convert it, lol.
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I’m going to turn it into pennies and drop pennies everywhere I go.
Ass pennies
I buy one potato and enjoy its extended lifetime.
You can then plant it, and make more and eventually start a business. Then, a French fry company, lol.
Short bursts of great stuff are better than long periods of shitty stuff.
If an annual pass to a museum is $100, i would spend two day’s dollars buying 3-day passes to lots of different museums for a friend and me. Do we auto transport to the city? Or does the museum just appear at my house?
On the other days i would take a couple of laps around a track in some cool cars, have sips of some very expensive whiskey, and ride short sections of trains around the world.
During the week i would search the internet to find great $1 specials at bars all over the world and on weekends i would slowly have a beer on a beach in Mexico, vermouth in Barcelona, coffee in Modena, a mojito in havana, …
If you have a dollar, you can choose to either enjoy the beverage or the destination for a time equal to one dollar. You get a magic door and are teleported back as soon as one dollar’s worth is used. As I am sticking with only what I wrote as the rules, since there is no rule that says you cannot split it into 50 cents each, you can do that. You can also save up the money as that is not in the rules.
Buy etfs
If you use the dollar to match the S&P500 beginning in 1928, with dividends reinvested and all that jazz, you’d earn about 1(1.1)^96 = 9 thousand dollars.
9k a day times 365 days a year is 3.2 million a year. Or you can invest THOSE EARNINGS into ETFs at the present day again – by 5 years you’ll have made 16 mil principal + 5.4 mil interest. At that rate, it’ll take 35 years to be a billionaire.
Oooooor you can just continually dunk the magic daily dollar in Bitcoins instead
I suppose it would be a cheat to buy money, eg through stocks, shares, or exchange rates, right?
No, I am gonna go with the rules that I have written to be fair, so this is perfectly fine. Be as creative as you want. You could even buy a lottery ticket every day but that never works out so yeah. Buy a one dollar stock. No exchange rate. It’s the dollar of whatever country you are in.
A Japanese dollar?
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