Easy. Invite and then arrest him
After that stunt the zionists pulled in Amsterdam. They realize it was a false flag event that they attempted to gaslight the world about and it backfired in their faces right?
Wonder how Bibi feels to be upstaged by a 16 year old streamer.
Unfortunately the damage of that false flag was permanent, most people in my life believe it 100% was Muslims trying to exterminate Jews.
Still hard to believe people take a serious faced actor / Anchorman for their word about shocking events.
The Netherlands is also host nation to the ICC, which is located in The Hague.
a part of me wants to see the dutch join the french in ensuring that we see the icc for the puppet organization it was intended to be; but at the same time it seems to be the only means by which the plight of marginalized people can get attention on he world stage.
He is telling you there isn’t one goddamn reason you shouldn’t go up there right now, and slit the throats of every last one of these Dutch motherfuckers, and set fire to this ship!
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
France said on Wednesday it believed Netanyahu had immunity to actions by the ICC, given Israel has not signed up to the Court statutes.
Me when the cops try to arrest me for shoplifting: I AIN’T SIGNED SHIT
The sovereign citizen defence, classic.
“maybe if we put him in a wig and a dress your dad will think he’s just one of the girls and he can come to the sleepover!”