John Cusack has my vote and I hope he’s on Hexbear. John I love your work and the fact you’ve always been anti-war & willing to speak out against shit like Obama using drones, George Floyd’s murder, and of course, the Iraq War.
John Cusack’s strange journey from 1980s heartthrob to Left-wing troll
he’s still a heartthrob TO ME but don’t let the crackers at The Telegraph hear me say this
John Cusack standing outside your window holding a boombox that’s playing the Internationale
The only YouTube video I’ve ever uploaded was exactly this bit. It got copyright striked lmao
He was my next choice. It was a tight race between him and Greta.
John Cusack is based? or just anti-war lib?
Pretty based. He IS a DSA member. Huffington Post scrubbed most of his older stuff but he was writing a politics column for them back in 2005 that was pretty decent for being a late 80s hollywood star and was arguably further left than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama was at the time due to him being against the Iraq war entirely.
This Chicago Tribune article from 2005 has some pretty decent responses from him given the year & world events back then:
On the Democrats: “The Democrats have to figure out if they stand for anything. I think they do. I just think they’re lousy communicators and horrible tacticians for the most part.”
On being attacked from the right as a Hollywood liberal: “So maybe I’m smug, and maybe the Democrats are petty. Maybe you’re right. But you’re ordering people to their deaths. How are those two things comparable?”
On parallels between politics and showbiz: “It feels like Washington is becoming more like Hollywood in these strange incestuous relationships. Even James Carville going on talking online about the White House Iraq group or giving commentary on it, and then his wife is in the White House Iraq group.”
Bombing people who can’t escape not defense - does not mean one supports Hamas means to be against murder as solution to political problem
https://x.com/johncusack/status/491843091410612224 (he was pissed about the 2014 Gaza war and has **many ** of these - this is what got him on the antisemite of the year award because he’s been doing similar pro-palestine/gaza tweets to this day)
I didn’t stand up for Boeing military salute - fast enough for some maga fuck - see? don’t even have taste not to brand weapons company all over score board RT @QsSupervisor: What in the actual fuck does “tonight’s military salute” even mean ?
Tweet from 2019: https://x.com/johncusack/status/1131408977940680704
He called Obama ‘worse than Bush’ (John sweetie I’m not sure about this one really given Iraq & Afghanistan but yeah the drone warfare and bombing civilian weddings isn’t really stacking the dice in Obamna’s favor so…) in this 2015 Daily Beast interview: https://www.thedailybeast.com/john-cusack-talks-love-and-mercy-drug-trips-and-the-ways-obama-is-worse-than-bush/
Most recently though he was at the George Floyd protests marching & recording in Chicago and got pepper sprayed & beaten by the cops there.
JDPON Cusack
I swear I see anti-Zionists called antisemites 10 times as often as actual antisemites
if you are a representative of the Zionist entity, anti-zionism is the threat, actual antisemitism is just advertising
Hasan is too obvious of an answer. Greta would be funniest
put me down for Greta, too
I’m voting Hasan. Greta would be way funnier, but she might have enough liberal brain removed to be actually sad and upset about this. Hasan would for sure treat it with the respect and reverence it deserves.
I’m still fucking pissed that she became humanity’s public enemy number one solely for saying “pollution bad”.
She only became public enemy number one when she said genocide bad
Should be Hasan so he can be the first white man to win the honor. But thanks to misandry it’ll probably be Greta
Everyone who has won the prize before has been people of color, so I think Greta is safe on account her being white.
Greta, it’s her turn.
I’m guessing Dan Blizerian actually did something to earn a spot on this list?
He thinks Israel is doing it because Talmud
Is he an anti israel anti semitic? That would be a nice departure from the normal right wing pretending to not hate jews but also wanting them to be capitalist cannon fodder in the middle east.
Why are zionists actually doing it?
Yeahhhh he thinks Jews murdered Christians en masse during the Bolshevik Revolution
As a judeo-bolshevik myself, I’m thinking a little more post-revolution repression might have been nice. I think we’re in a vote for Bart is a vote for anarchy situation.
I like how whichever Nazi runs this “antisemitic award” thing places legitimately batshit insane actually antisemitism next to “streamer who wants people to have improved material conditions and for Israel to stop doing genocide.”
One day, once the Zionist entity has fallen, people will look back on these barbaric times and the shameless racism shown towards anyone willing to say “genocide is bad actually. No matter who does it.”
I’m writing in Brace Belden