My favourite Pokémon is Vaporeon, of course. I also like Eevee and all the other Eeveelutions.
Pikachu shocking Ash with electricity and refusing to go in the Pokéball was cool. Little electric-type comrade defending his freedom.
The pokemon reading this.
still gengar after all these years
Death to America
Hitmonchan. There are Pokemon that are basically deities, with powers to control every element, able to use psychic power to manipulate your thoughts, and here we got bro that’s just like square up. I respect him. Got some literal legendary beast from time immemorial, worshipped as a god in some cultures, able to turn you to ash in single movement, and Hitmonchan is just like let’s fucking duke it out.
Fighting type for life. I ain’t gotta think about shit let’s just throw hands. Coincidentally, this is also why I always choose warriors/barbarians/melee types in any game or campaign.
Hitmonchan is ine of those Pokémon that is clearly just a guy
pikachu. I don’t know any other pokemon
Let me tell you about the Pikachu evolution line, then you’ll know three Pokémon!
Pikachu evolves from Pichu:
And Pikachu itself can evolve into Raichu (though Ash’s Pikachu refused to evolve when given that option):
The Pokémon world has different regions, and some Pokémon look different if they evolve in a particular region. This is Alolan Raichu, the form that Raichu takes if it evolved in the Alola region:
Pichu actually was added later than Pikachu and Raichu, the very first games (Generation 1) only had Pikachu and Raichu, then Generation 2 added Pichu
Raichu is so good
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Growlith is cuter
The cutest legendary Pokémon, so fluffy! I’d love to pet one, if it allowed me to…
I can’t choose between
gave me a really hard battle in Pokémon BD/SP, so I respect it and also Clodsire
Snom is so cute, little ice-type bug that looks like a hedgehog…
sableye is literally me i love to eat rocks and skitter around in dark caves
Breloom because Spore and Focus Punch is a good move combo, plus Leech Seed is always awesome.
Aegislash because Steel/Ghost is an interesting type with lots of resistances.
Alolan Dugtrio because its hair is gorgeous.Fellow Breloom fan!
Ditto cos blob
I agree, Ditto is amazing
I like Porygon so much I wrote a fanfic about it (with not-very-subtle anti-capitalist themes)
I have read your fanfic, it’s good!
Porygon is one of my favourites, too, and it’s sad that I can’t watch it in the anime because of that one incident…
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it
“anticapitalist pokemon fanfic” is a set of 3 words describing something I didn’t know I needed until becoming aware of its existence
Banette, Furret, Magearna, Gourgeist, Mismagius, Milotic
In that order, but in Gen 9 I’m using grass starter cat in place of Gourgeist cos she’s cracked.
Dream team 🥰
Torterra and Ampharos. I wish to live upon a wandering hillock with my pet lighthouse sheep.
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garchomp, moltres and scizor, my GOATS who beat the battle factory
End of discussion. Close thread.
Ah yes, the transgender Eeveelution