Fuck this western slave, ranting about capitalism and then going on to lick the EU boot
An embarrassment to Georgia
Just one more free trade agreement, then we’ll have shared prosperity, I swear!
It’s not broken, it’s working as intended.
This channel seems insane
I don’t think you really need another breadtube/video essay/whatever video on why another capitalistic country is having a decline like all the others, but I guess South Korea seems to be the their flavour/subject of the month.
I disagree. Occupied Korea and Japan are the canaries in the coal mine telling us what happens when capitalism has a guaranteed lock on power forever.
This is our near-future if we don’t get our shit together here in the core.
I don’t see much difference between chaebols and Western monopolies, and the RoK incel problem isn’t so far off from most Western countries.
nah this is downplaying the extent of it at least with the second thing. SK is a hyper exaggerated patriarchal society on a level most people just aren’t familiar with. like the stats on violence against women as well as stuff like cosmetic surgeries speak for themselves. even just calling it an “incel problem” doesn’t do it justice, 1 in 3 south korean women have experienced violence and around half the time it’s at the hands of a partner.
Oh okay, that was just my impression from the outside. Huh, that sucks bad.