Screw them and hold on to your job for as long and as hard as you can.
Sure one person fighting is nothing to a billionaire … but a few thousand employees taking the government to court for this stupidity will definitely affect the billionaire.
Authoritarianism wins as soon as we all just give up and allow them to take control.
100% this. Not only that, but if you quit you can’t apply for unemployment.
You also can’t resist and annoy the fascists as easily.
It very much depends. In many states, if your employer significantly changes the terms of your employment, you will get approved.
deleted by creator
The reality of living in this country is a factor. Not everyone is in a position financially to quit their job and probably blacklisted from their industry.
We do not have an adequate social safety net in this country. To be able to make principled stands without having to worry about your future prospects, you’d have to be independently wealthy, like the fuckers doing this shit. And that’s entirely by design with the policies they’ve made happen over the last 60+ years. Over a quarter of this country lives paycheck to paycheck now, that will include a lot of federal employees.
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Ah, so a couple questions to see if you’re just a fucking idiot that thinks idealism can be reality, or if you’re even relevant to the conversation.
- Are you American or otherwise working in the United States currently?
- If so, how long would you be able to survive if you were to be fired or quit and not be able to work in your same industry? Meaning you would be starting off in an entry level role probably in unskilled labor, because most government workers aren’t in charge, they’re working desk jobs to make things function or doing some sort of inspection work, neither of which usually need college educations.
- If you’re not American, your opinion on this honestly means very little here since you do not have experience with working in the US.
Most of that user’s comments have been removed (with good reason), so I’m guessing they’re just a troll (aka an idiot).
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If you’re not American, your opinion on this honestly means very little here since you do not have experience with working in the US
Former J1+H1 counterexample right here.
I shortened the last sentence. The 1st point literally covers that type of scenario.
But that’s cool. Taking things out of context on purpose to manufacture a point is literally what the internet does best.
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Some of us have children who depend on us.
Do you have a family? Kids? Anyone you are responsible for? Would you be so flippant about making them homeless?
These are people choosing their home over their principles.
Okay you’re one of those people. This conversation is pointless. Have a good day.
So you only stand for something if you get unemployment?
WTF Indeed, yes it’s more impressive to stand for something if you are willing to sacrifice your whole life, be willing to live on the streets etc…
Fact is there’s not that many people that can do that. There’s no safety nets in this country, losing your job isn’t just the possibility of having to move to a smaller house, it’s the possibility of begging friends and family to stay with them, as the bottom rung of employment isn’t even enough to afford a 1 bedroom apartment, and that’s of course assuming only you are the one to pay that price, IE wife, kids who need college etc…
Godwin time here, as much as everyone wants to say they’d be the person who hid jews in their attic in ww2, reality is while you can applaud those who did, you can’t really look down on those who didn’t. The risks of completely ruining not just your own life, but the lives of those who you care the most about, to save complete strangers, is not a decision that is ever a given for anyone to make.
So you only
Not only that
I’m not sure what you missed there
It’s much easier to tell somebody else to sacrifice than do it yourself isn’t it?
What even is your point here? My reading: “Ooh look how tough you are, see how you feel when you lose your job!”
Over half of federal workers are unionized so if Elmo fucks around too much, he just may find out. Many government workers are getting below market rates in exchange for good benefits, security and some sense of helping the commonwealth. They did not sign up for dealing with this chucklefuck. Replacing a bunch of sysadmins, accountants, lawyers and scientists at government pay levels would be challenging.
Thats the trick… They don’t intend to replace them. This is a thinly disguised austerity measure, intended to cripple agencies to later “show” their ineffectiveness.
Its called Starve the Beast
Make them bad by fucking them up, then privatize it giving your buddies the $$$
It’s entirely possible that the richest man in the world can fuck around and still not find out.
Dude took a 30Bn hit on twitter and is still the richest man in the world, I think it’s probable he won’t find out.
I don’t think that he took a hit on Twitter at all. He deliberately destroyed it to kill a very effective voice of independent news and commentary. 30 billion was chump change for that. Look at Twitter now, it’s a hot mess of garbage. Mission accomplished and he’s still getting three squares a day and shooting bullshit and spy satellites into space.
Court costs and being out of work are both fun. But, as it turns out, personal justice is way less important than the food/clothing/shelter triumvirate the money can fund instead of legal fights.
And what’s why musk will win.
No one understands this part. We had the largest demonstrations of my 30 years of life during the pandemic of all things…why? Because everyone was getting government stipends to stay home from work and people had time to fight for what’s right instead of putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads.
The government is going to round them up soon enough.
a few thousand employees taking the government to court
Laws don’t apply to God King Trump, why would they apply to anyone in his administration?
Didn’t this guy ban the @elonjet account for doing a lesser version of this?
Yeah I think that’s the frustrating part of this. Either allow elonjet back or get banned for doing this. But having it both ways shows how shit a person Elon Musk is.
If anyone asks, to me, it’s THIS aspect of it that’s the big problem. Musk is literally doing the thing that he hated about elonjet.
He’s always been a hypocrite and entirely untrustworthy. If you believe he is doing ANYTHING in good faith, it’s kind of on you at this point. If people stopped interacting with these fucking musk articles we wouldnt see them every 2 seconds.
The thing he hated about Elonjet was that it targeted him.
The public learning that efficiency is billionaire’s dog whistle for mass layoffs.
We destroyed public education half a century ago to cut the oligarchs taxes.
Half of our public still thinks giving the oligarchs the remaining crumbs they can no longer make corporate landlord rent with will somehow be urinated back on them as prosperity.
Our public can’t learn.
The ideal laborers. You can exploit them until they’re bruised and bleeding, then then just point at the starving, dying homeless person on the sidewalk and say they did it and you should hate them for it.
Wow more efficient! My job will get easier!
This is vile. These are non-elected positions and the people who hold them are doing a job the government asked them to do.
You can complain about the positions but you do not attack people personally over it. Especially if your followers are as stupid and dangerous as musk’s.
And yet Blizzard gets criticized for their writing of villains being too obvious and over the top.
Writing cartoonishly evil villains is one thing, but the Lich King doesn’t hold a candle to Bobby Kotick
So misogynist Musk went after a bunch of women for online harassment?
I hope they sue him. I seriously do.
Incel King’s got priorities: start with all the women who said no.
It’s sickening. I just read about the professor who had to leave her job and home after he sicced his deplorable fanbois on her all because she was critical of Tesla’s driver-assist.
Cummings said she already knows of federal employees who “have dedicated their lives to civil service,” already quitting their jobs in anticipation of what’s to come.
“He intended for them, for people just like this, to be intimidated and just go ahead and quit so he didn’t have to fire them. So his plan, to some extent, is working,” she said.
CNN reached out to multiple experts and academics who specialize in cyber harassment, doxing and online abuse. But several declined to comment on the record for fear of themselves becoming Musk’s targets.
Professionals too afraid to speak about their area of expertise. Public servants quitting because they know what’s coming for them. And Trump’s not even started his second run yet.
Trump has been proven to be above the law, what makes you think his oligarchs aren’t?
This from the guy who smoked weed on the Joe Rogan p;dcast, talked about how he does ketamine at parties, and has been talking to Pootles for the last year, all while having a security clearance. Yeah
How’s Rogan even allowed to own a gun?
His friends are cops who don’t care. They get different rules from us.
I feel like the ATF would be more than willing to act like assholes given even the thinnest of excuses, wait does Rogan have dogs?
It’s terrifying federal workers
Well yeah, that is clearly the point.
Wow elon is stupider than he looks. And he looks super stupid.
He wants to give the US the Twitter treatment. Deport his ass back to South Africa.
And seize his American assets.
DOGE isn’t an actual department with any power, as it wasn’t created by an act of Congress. I guess Elon’s power will just be telling Trump who to fire?
Directing angry mobs at people in these positions could be an effective way of vacating them whether it’s an “official” department or not.
Im hoping when the time comes to actually create the department someone will inform Trump that’s not really something he can do, and Trump will just shrug and forget about it, while Musk starts crying in the corner.
205 names?
That seems very low, tbh. I was kind of expecting more, this just feels like a weird power move.
this just feels like a weird power move.
That’s his entire thing.
Yeah but he’s not very good at it, hence the weird part.
It’s not about the cuts, it’s about sending a message.
It’s why he starts by going after women who said no to him.
Just like the prof in the article said, he does it so you’ll be threatened and harassed into leaving your job (and in her case, her home as well).
I would like to publicize the name of a piece of human shit: Elon Musk. I would also like to cut him from the government as well.
I wonder how many of them voted for Trump…
If anyone needs cutting it’s him
Honestly, I’m half expecting some disenfranchised kid to learn from the Ukrainian conflict, and take one of these muppets out with a drone. It’s pretty tricky to shoot even as large a target as trump with his security cordon, but this pillock wanders around in public, and it really would be pretty ironic for someone to live-stream the tech-daddy moron getting fpv’d into a fine paste
I was kind of thinking the same thing lately. Trump hides behind bulletproof glass now, but he’s not completely surrounded and certainly doesn’t have a top on it. People have made bombs out of common household chemicals in the past and performance drones with a fairly long signal range are commercially available to everyone. Would be pretty easy for someone with a bit of ingenuity or craftiness to possibly take him out . I’m actually surprised nobody has tried that yet which leads me to believe they have some kind of signal jamming technology to prevent that exact scenario.
I watched a video by Botgrinder on YouTube called “you can’t mini whoop the president” or something similar, where he was messing about with an fpv drone at a Kamala rally. Turns out that the Secret Service won’t let you buzz her with a small drone for fun, and if you stand around in fpv goggles they’ll come and give you some grief. He wrote a very funny ai country song about it, worth a watch. However, he didn’t say much about jamming, it was being stood about in the goggles that got him I think. I’d assume that the Secret Service’s jamming is a fair bit better than the Russian’s, but the way the Ukrainian drones have been dealing with that shows that jamming only does so much - if the drone is falling toward the target on an essentially ballistic trajectory, jamming it won’t do jack
As the IRA famously put out once, you have to get lucky every time we have to get lucky once. Its one of those things where if enough people keep trying and improving they will find a chink in the defenses. I suspect it will probably be seen first with either Musk or one of Trumps other toadies.